Chapter 12

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 "Dawnsun, it is time."Meadowstars deep meow sounded through the camp of the FlameClan. The young warrior rushed to the entrance, Meadowstar already waited there with Blackwing at his side. The leaders of the clans had decided to visit the moonpond together with there medicine cats and one warrior. At this place they could speak with there ancestors through there dreams. Sunhigh already was gone as they arrived at the promontory where the gatherings toke place at full moon. Limestar already were there with Lavendersong, her medicine cat, and a gold brown warrior. Slatestar came nest with two cats at his side. Dawnsun only had saw them sometimes at a gathering. As last one, Redstar arrived, he also had two other cats at his side.

Without talking much the cats started off. Only the four medicine cats talked with each other. However, Dawnsun couldn't here anything exciting. The only thing the FlameClan warrior could here was, that one of the kids from Beechfall, who were gone, had cough and a queen had to take care of them. Half the day they marched through the territory of the BrookClan which was full of small lakes. Behind the border of the territory lay their destination. In this pond, the stars and the entire moon were reflected every night. But Dawnsun never saw it in the reality so far. But she had heard stories of the leaders who got there nine lives at this place, or about the medicine cats who could talk to cats who passed away long ago.

As she could see the pond her heart started beating faster. The sun had already set, the reason why everyone quickly looked for a place at the bank of the stretch of water. As all of them were ready, they held their faces over the clear water and drank exactly one little sip. Immediately the fatigue overcame Dawnsun, and her brown spotted fur filled with cold.

She closed her eyes, as she opened them again, she found herself standing on a bright meadow. She knew this place, it was not far the StormClan border, many battles were hold here before. But now everything seemed to be quite. She couldn't detect a cat in the vicinity. She walked a few steps, and suddenly she heard noises in the distance. She just wanted to look where the noises came from, as a shadow jumped out of a bush. She stared completely frightened. Now she saw uncountable shadow shapes sitting under the trees at the edge of the clearing, many heartbeats nothing happened. But then suddenly, like on a command, all the shapes jumped onto her. As she were pinned down by one of these cats, she silently prayed to StarClan. She saw blood spurting, to hide it all she closed her eyes. To her relief, she woke unscathed when she opened her eyes again.

Dawnsun's heart pounded, as slowly all the cats around her opened their eyes again. She could tell by the facial expressions of the other cats, that she wasn't the only one who had to see these kind of dream. Even Redstar seemed to be exhausted. Without talking any words, all the cats raised to their paws and split up in groups to travel back. Dawnsun looked up into the sky, but she could not see the stars anymore. There were big storm clouds in the sky, which blocked any sun light. As she released her eyes from the sky, the only thing she saw was the dark brown fur of Blackwing. He just slipped through a bush, she would gladly have talked to the medicine cat, but the warrior code forbade that. On their way back home every clan toke the fastest way, on their own. Dawnsun watched Meadowstar in detail, but she couldn't find out if her leader had the same dream like her.

Rain had drenched the fur of the three travelers as the arrived back in their camp. Meadowstar straightly went back to his den. And Blackwing too went in the medicine cat den. Dawnsun, however, was surrounded by the apprentices and kids, who all asked what she had saw in her dream. With much effort she finally got rid of the offspring, and went back in the warrior's den. Even of it was early on the day she curled herself up in her nest, hoping to talk to StarClan again. But in her short sleep, she only dreamed short incomprehensible, insignificant dreams. To free her head again, she decided to hunt.

Beechfall sighted and mewed: "Well, assumed these strays are actually the danger, StarClan has told us about. How should we tell our clanmates that an army of strays threatens the forest?" Oscar seemed to have heard, he sat next to the discussing cats. "I could help you with that." as Oscar sat that Beechfall rolled her amber eyes in annoyance. "I just show them what they have done to me, as I tried to resist them." he continued while he looked at the floor with his one eye. "They have done this to you?" Sprucefur repeated. "We were outnumbered, they spared me back then, so that I would remember me what happens to those who resist them." he mewed while he still was staring at the floor. "The others are..." Riverpaw raised. She didn't had to end her sentence, Oscar nodded. "I wont let them to the same to you!" he mewed and raised his eye again, and looked everyone in the eyes. Beechfall stood up and mewed: "So then we shouldn't waste any time, should we?" With big eyes she looked at the others. Sprucefur found his voice as first: "I thought you..." "I changed my mind!" Sprucefur cut her brother of.

Without anymore questions the now five-member group prepared for the departure. Grayleg and Sprucefur who normally had led the group, have gave Oscar the command. "You have to go to the forest downriver, haven't you?" the shaggy brown tom asked. The others nodded. "Did you came through the forest here?" he added to his question. "We've followed the river." Grayleg replied. "That's to dangerous, they are already hunting there." he mewed silently. "I know a faster way!" I his eye motivation came up. Oscar crashed forward, the others followed him with determinedly. They quickly reached the border of the twolegplace. From there on they didn't followed the river back, but went through a nearby forest.

From there route the barely could see the river, the had to trust the stray who led them fully. The sun slowly came closer to the horizon, as Beechfall mewed: "We should find a place to spend the night, it will get dark soon!" The others agreed. "But how are we supposed to eat out here?" Oscar inquired. "We will hunt!" Riverpaw mewed vigorously. The stray rolled his eye and then laid down on a tree trunk, to enjoy the evening light. The clan-cats split up and went hunting. It didn't took long 'till all the five cats got something eatable. Beechfall, who merged with her gray and brown fur with the forest, had set apart from the other cats.

Sprucefur walked over to his sister. "Why aren't you eating with us?" the tortoiseshell tom asked. "I have to think..." she replied with a sad undertone in her voice. "Think about what?" Sprucefur asked, while he sat down lovingly next to her. "About my kids, they should be appointed to be apprentice soon. And I cant even see them... and Hawkclaw neither." Beechfalls eyes fell to the ground. Hawkclaw were the mother of Beechfall and Sprucefur, until she died in the latest fight between StormClan and FlameClan. Sprucefur's eyes widened, he mewed: "She is died?" His sister nodded. "She died in the battle against the FlameClan..." the gray and brown she-cat answered. Sprucefur unsheathed his claws and his fur raised. "Who? Who did this?" "I don't know... It doesn't matter either." she mewed. "What is important now, is that we full fill the prophecy now. I've seen these cats in a dream, we can not let happen the same thing to us, as it had happened to this stray." "You have seen them in a dream? Why didn't you told us about that?" Sprucefur asked angrily. The eyes of the she-cat widened and she said: "I haven't understood the dream. But as we found Oscar, he told us about them. That's why I trust him so much!" Her brother nodded understanding. 

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