Professor!Gwilym - Lonesome And All Alone

432 11 2

London, England

To say you have an urge for your Foundations Of Space and Astrophysics lecturing professor would be an understatement. It was hard to watch that man without trailing off into a naughty place like every other girl did; only you had respect for yourself and him and didn't wear low cutting tops, flirting with the man in such a painfully obvious way. The number of times you have heard the girls in your class, who only took this course for him, giggle about him and what they would do to him if given the chance was staggering—no, you didn't do that, you kept those thoughts to yourself even when the girls in the front row tried to include you in the conversation in the first week of class.

Now, they scowl at you with disgust because you were 'favored', but you are at least 4 years older than them and took this as a filler class. A nice thing considering you are in your final years of Uni and, had options to take electives you enjoyed; Professor Lee...was just a bonus really.

Over time, aided by the maturity of your age by being the oldest in the class without anyone really knowing that you are taking this for interest and fun, you and the professor developed a kinship. You often stayed behind to talk to him considering this was his last lecturing class of the day, and he enjoyed your keen interest in his specialization which was Interplanetary Dust. It has even gone as far as having such a long, friendly debate that by the time you left the school the sun was almost completely gone under the horizon line.

He was such a wonderful man. It was a shame you only got to see him 3 days a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays when your class took place.

He is kind and gentle, but passionate about his job and the subject matter he taught; and he taught it with a blazing passion, often going on long rants about the wonders of the universe that would bore the girls in the front row except you. He would trail on in on about intergalactic scholarly theories and how most of them were bullshit guesses not backed up by any proof what so ever, how interesting the level of density in the cosmos there was and, that neutron stars can spin 600 times a second. He is the ultimate space dork, often spitting out facts like a computer that didn't even have anything to do with the subject matter of the day he had planned—he would provoke a discussion that would take up the entire 2-hour span of time he had with this particular class. This would happen mostly on Fridays when he specifically stated he didn't care about doing hard work as much—those were the discussion and debate days administration knew nothing about, not that they could do anything about it considering his sincerity. And the fact that no woman, admin being entirely comprised of females, could look him in the eyes and tell him what to do without soaking under his gaze.

It wasn't about the way he looked per se, but he wasn't unfortunate to look at either. He was always well groomed, clad in a button-up tucked into his shirt, pressed slacks that fit him in the best way, wearing oxfords with the sleekest and elegant designs; even his hair was perfectly set and groomed, as well as his light beard on his face that remained the same style every day. But he was the type of man who geeked out on intergalactic colonization of Mars, oblivious to how attractive he was and how that affected females around him.

He was funny too. But, he was so damn sexy without even trying.

He would roll his sleeves up to his elbows, making the girls swoon when they saw the veins in his arms as he made those motions with his hands; talking with pronounced enthusiasm. He would push his glasses up his face to adjust them if they were falling down which, being a psychology major as well as an astrophysics study major yourself, proved itself to be a nervous habit of his—although it was still so attractive. Even when he would turn around to write something on the large chalkboards, the hypnotizing way his back muscles would ripple and tense was like watching the milky waves of the cosmic zodiacal light ripple between the earth and the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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