Chapter 4

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Lynn's POV 

I started cleaning as soon as I got home that day. The house wasn't a mess, but it definitely needed to be cleaned.

I heard the front door open and I knew it was Billy. He walked into the kitchen and sat down, just staring at me.

  "Is there something you need?" I asked.  "Guess who I saw on the way home" He said. "Who?" I asked.  "Drew Mclntyre" Billy said.

Drew Mclntyre has been my crush ever since 6th grade when he told me I looked pretty.  "But I guess your over him now" He said. 

"What?" I asked. "You're dating Roman" He said. "Where did you hear that from?" I asked. Do I tell Billy about our little deal? Do I tell my mom?  "Molisa" Billy said.

  "I thought I told you not to talk to her" I said. He shrugged.  "She came to me, and that's not what we're talking about" He said. 

"I thought you said you didn't like him" He said.  "I thought slut wasn't your type" I said.  "Stop changing the conversation!" Billy said.  "Yes, fine, I'm dating Roman" I said. Billy smirked. 

"I knew you liked him" He said. "I should've known you guys were dating, he picked you up this morning" He said.

"And they're coming over for dinner tonight! Oh my gosh, does mom know?" He asked.  "No, and don't tell her" I said.  "Why not? Don't you think that she should know?" He asked.

  "I guess, but, I'll tell her" I said.  "Good, because if you don't. I will" He said. "Whatever. Start cleaning" I said.  "Why do we even have to clean? The house is already clean!" Billy said.

"I think your definition of clean, and my definition of clean is a lot different" I said. "That's because you're a neat freak" He said.

"Have you seen my room? I'm really not" I said. Billy shrugged.  "Just clean Billy" I said.  "Mom should be home soon" I said. I pulled the chicken out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter to thaw a little. 

I heard my phone go off, and I looked down at it. It was from Madison in the group message with all the girls.  "Ly, go on twitter right now..."

Why? I opened the Twitter app anyway and saw that I had a lot of notifications. I scrolled through them and people were commenting my username on someone's tweet.

Galina's tweet.  '@ galinamgm: I knew he was low, but I didn't know that he would go so low to date her...' 

Did she really just sub tweet about me? My jaw clenched. I pressed on the button at the top right corner. 

'@ Lynnxox: why don't you use the @ symbol next time?' I pressed 'ok' at the top.

Madison, Miranda and our other friend Zoella favorited my tweet. I set my phone back down and continued cleaning. About ten minutes later, I was finally finished cleaning.

I walked into the living room and Billy came down the stairs. I opened up twitter and saw that I had almost 30 favourites on my tweet. And there were no other tweets from Galina . But there was one from Roman...   '@ romanreigns: She's 20,000 times better then you'll ever be, get over yourself.' 

I got a notification from Galina, and opened the tweet.  '@ Galinamgm: @ Lynnxox happy? And @ Romanreigns come on over and we can play, just like old times; ﴿' this made my blood boil.

Wait, why would this make my blood boil? Why am I even mad? I don't even like Roman. He's my best friend....  '@ Romanreigns: @ Galinamgm play by yourself... we're OVER. 'Everything ended there. 

"Wow, now I call that a Twitter fight" Billy said from behind me. I jumped and turned around.  "Were you really looking over my shoulder?" I asked.

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