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Ah, the Mirror? The sword, Or the- Oh yes, yes, I know of it. Some sort of... Eldritch relic, I believe? They say Calerion the Immortal used it to fend off a thousand Cairlundun soldiers in the Aelfran war. Ha! A likely tale, I'm sure. But, of course, there are legends about it. Of course, many legends; that it chooses a single worthy Eldritch to be loyal to until death, that it was forged from a shard of the Titan's Window, whatever you wish to believe, I'm sure it won't live up to your expectations.

It is a sword, nothing more, nothing less. Just as that knife you hold there could kill, as could The Mirror, there's little difference. Arondite. Vorpal - It may have simply been forged by a smith of great skill, in a time where such material was rare.

Godstone? Pah! Poppycock, my dear boy, poppycock. Even if godstone did exist, they wouldn't waste it on a sword-

Oh of course there are stories about the gods using it, but no mortal has ever found a material to match it... Ah, I see. Dravin's been filling your head with fantasy. Well, I wouldn't take much stock in Faerie tales, lad. Especially not from that half-smiling mudmead.

Have I ever... no, I can't say that I have. The dwarves are very protective or the Titan's window, I doubt anyone's been near it for centuries.

Gah! By Diomedes' sandals boy, you are an inquisitive sort! If I didn't know better I'd say you were planning to steal the whole Window!

Hah... oh don't be silly, Ector. The sword is a myth, nothing more, leave it be. Now go on boy, get back to your friends. Its late, and you know all to well the sorts that dot these streets after dark.

Off with you, lad!

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