A Mysterious Message

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"You have 28 unread emails," my phone informed me.

I sighed. I had checked my e-mail a mere 2 hours ago. As I flipped through them, one's subject line was "The End of Life." It's probably just some random person that doesn't like something. I opened it anyway. As soon as I opened it, a voice recorded started to play.

"At exactly 15:00 PST, II_Jeriicho_II, OMGitsFirefoxx, CaptainSparklez, Aureylian, and SynHD will be teleported into the world of mianite, and will have to survive in this hostile world. And don't think this will be fun. You will feel every pain in the game. You will feel every arrow that pierces your skin, each blade that shatters bone. You will heal, but it will take a long time... "

I shuddered at the last part. I then quickly texted everyone on the list. It appeared that everyone got the message. Except for Aurey, who hasn't responded yet. She was probably driving.

"I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably just a prank by some haters. " Tucker texted.

"Haters gonna hate!" Tom said.

"I hope it's a prank. but what if it's not?" Sonja asked.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," I said before shutting down my phone. I quickly checked my 24 hr clock. It said that it was 14:55. In 5 minutes, we'll find out whether or not it was a prank.

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant