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(Image of Anastasia ♡♡♡)

As she stayed balled up into herself and sobbing violently all she could hear was the evil and disappointed screams and words of her mother.

She desperately tried to shut them out. She tried screaming back but it all failed miserably.

She wasn't there but she felt that she was. The fact that she wasn't protecting her siblings caused her body to rack with more sobs. All she felt was loneliness and pain. Her loneliness and her pain was all that made her her.

She begged and begged for her mother to stop hurting her. To forgive her. She begged and begged. Then the atmosphere changed and she saw her siblings crouched into a corner holding each other, sobbing and frightened.

She saw her mother approaching them with a malicious smile on her broken face. All Anastasia did was scream at her mother to get away from them. She tried running but it was as though something was holding her back. She screamed and screamed and begged as she watched her mother torment her siblings.

"No! I'm sorry! Please! Stop! I'm sorry! Leave them be! I'm the one in the wrong! They're innocent!"

'Mother was always so kind and loving to them. What happened? Is it because I left? They're in danger! No! Please! Help me help them! Please! I need to save them! They're all I have! Please!'

She screamed in her sleep and tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't escape the nightmare she desperately tried to get away from. She willed herself to awaken but to no avail. She lived those nightmares every night.

No one has helped her. No one has noticed her pain. No one has seen the thousands of tears she's shed. They haven't seen the scars she's received. She hides them all with a smile and a wink. She takes out her pain in studying her ass off to distract the thoughts, drinking her sorrow away, fighting to rid the anger, sleeping around to rid the loneliness, and kissing ass and fishing for compliments and praises from authority and men to boost her confidence.

She's always dealt with everything alone and no one has been able to help her because she pushes them away. When will someone notice her pain? When?

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