-1~New job new friend~1-

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Y'all should know what the image is from xD




I was at Freddy's celebrating Mike's birthday. Usually, I was up following Chica around, she was my favorite. It wasn't because she was the only female character, it was because she was the only one that didn't scare me.

While in my thoughts, I suddenly bump into her. "Oh! I am so sorry child" Chica says as she crouches to my height.  "Are you alright?". I kept quiet. ".... What's your name child?" She asked. "(Y-(Y/n)..." I replied. "(Y/n), are you hurt?" She asked me again. I shook my head.

All I could think was that she was talking to me and paying attention to me. I rarely get any form of attention besides the attention that my friends, Jeremy and Mike give me. Chica and I sat down, talked and ate some pizza. Well, I was the only one that and hunger. I knew the animatronics had some sort of mechanism that made them seem realistic and eat.

We shared a few laughs and started to enjoy each other's company. Then there was screaming and yelling. Chica turned her head and gasped, she had a horrified facial expression on her. I tried turning my head to see what she was looking at but chica prevented me from seeing what was going on.

Chica picked me up hiding my head from seeing what was happening and ran over to my mommy. "I am so sorry Mrs. (L/n)!" Chica said handing me over to her. "Thank you so much!" My mommy hugged me tightly. "I'm also gonna have to ask you to leave. We are closing the restaurant down due to this". "I understand. Come on (Y/n) we need to leave now" Mommy told me picking me up and running for the exit.

As my mommy was doing this I saw what happened. Guards were pulling away foxy that was covered in a red liquid....... From Mike. He had a really bad hurty. "MIKE!!" I yelled trying to break free of my mother's grip. Chica looked at me with guilt. She knew I saw it, and I knew who it was.




I walked into the pizzeria, it was 11:55 just enough time. I walked past the stage, I stopped gaining an idea. I know I shouldn't have but I did. I got up on the stage and started looking at Chica. First off, I was now about a foot and a half shorter than chica.


After a long pause, I hugged her. "I missed you" I spoke. I got off the stage and into my office, waiting for my shift to start. I got bored and already started checking the cameras. When I checked the stage... Chica had her hands in her head blushing while Bonnie and Freddy were laughing? WERE THEY ON?! I screamed in embarrassment. I then heard running. "Ye a-right lass?" A voice said. It was foxy. The d- amn f-. Oh God, I'm passing out.


'Oh dear, the poor lass passed out. I reckon she tis one of the kiddies that witnessed it. (Y/n), me think it twas. Uh oh-, the other be coming.' I think to myself as I pick her up. I got scared of what they would do to the lass if they got to her, so I took her to me stage.




I woke up on a wooden surface. 'Strange', I thought to myself. I looked around, and spotted the fox animatronic. I opened my mouth to scream, but the pirate covered my mouth. "Shhh. (Y/N), listen to me. If they find ya, they'll kill ya" the fox said, with a calming voice but a serious face.

´They'll kill me?'
I thought

"What do you mean? Who'll kill me? How do you know my name?" I question him. "Me means tha-" before Foxy could finish his sentence, the cove's curtains flew wide open.


Hiya, this is the first chapter if you haven't noticed. I hope you enjoyed this, it was fun to write this. I am planning to write even longer chapters, but that will take me about half a week if I really focus on this. Unfortunately I have other books to write and personal events coming up. On the good side, I really enjoy this book and I might work on it more often than others.

¡¡¡sEe YoU iN tHe NeXt ChApTeR!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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