•Lettuce Begin•

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GrapeGremlin created the group chat named 'Sinful Sisters'

GrapeGremlin Added 15 others

ShavingMyPiano: Oh God What is this

420WhatchaSmoking: Hell 2.0

GrapeGremlin: Yep

DepressedDetective: Well that's promising

UncleIncest: Why did you make this, Kokichi?

GrapeGremlin: Cause why not lmao

FeMiNiSm: I hate this place already


GrapeGremlin: Who said I was a virgin!

MaAaAaGic: what

GrapeGremlin: what

Robophobic!: I'm scared

SHSL69: good

GrapeGremlin: You should be scared Kiiboy

Robophobic!: Someone please save me

420WhatchaSmoking: Nah

UwU: Don't be so mean Amami-kun!

420WhatchaSmoking: Don't call me that you UwU bitch

SweepSwoop: Language

GrapeGremlin: HI MOOOOOOM!!!

SweepSwoop: Hello Kokichi

Iwassenttothemoon: Y'all are talking too much

Stab Stab: Y'all

GrapeGremlin: Y'all

420WhatchaSmoking: Y'all

ShavingMyPiano: Y'all

DepressedDetective: Y'all

Robophobic!: Um, what

Iwassenttothemoon: Bullies-

SHSL69: Stfu sluts

GrapeGremlin: says you

Wholesome: What does 'stfu' mean?

ShavingMyPiano: no we can't tell you-

Big Tennis Balls: Don't you dare ruin him

SHSL69: Fine ;-;

Stab Stab: I'm leaving - you all are annoying

Iwassenttothemoon: mAKIROLL WHAT DID I DO

Stab Stab: Eh, I suppose everyone is annoying apart from you Kaito

Iwassenttothemoon: yAY!

Stab Stab is offline

GrapeGremlin: I'm off too- Bye fuckers

GrapeGremlin and 12 others are offline

MaAaAaGic: now I'm alone! ;(

MaAaAaGiC is offline

That was probably really bad I'm sorry Sksk-
I'll try and update this as much as I can UwU

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