Chapter Eight: Life Lesson Learned

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I wake up the next morning, only to see Harry Styles grinning like a baboon. 

"Buenos Dias, happy pants." I grumble.

 "Why the sad face?" He asked, stilling smiling as though he had been told he was performing at the Olympics- wait, that already happened, nevermind.

"I was woken up at like, 5AM!" I yell.

"It's 5:34. Get with it sista." He smiled. "And besides, I'm taking you somewhere."

I hopped out of bed and quickly got ready. First, I put on my everyday make-up: foundation, powder, blush, bronzer, concealer, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, more mascara, and bright pink lipstick. Then, I curled my hair, leaving some of it straight. Hazza Boo-Boo Child liked it that way. I shimmied into a pair of tight  black leather pants, a hot pink v-neck, and a dark-washed denim jacket, with a push-up bra that made my buzzums look huge. I tied my hair into a loose top knot and slide on some riding boots. 

Grabbing my keys, I made a quick stop at Starbucks before hopping back into the car to go back home. I sipped on my iced mocha and drove speedily. When I arrived home, Harry was sitting there on the phone.

"I know, Liam. She's gorgeous, but no-one compares to Lucy." He sighed into the phone.

"Well, yes, she's fit. She has huge boobs and a nice bum. But Lucy...she's so sexy and gorgeous. I couldn't let here go. Daniella is just to perfect to let go. I need to make up my mind. Yes, I'll tell Luc that I've been sleeping with someone else. Bye Liam." 

I walked into the kitchen gracefully, looking cheerful and happy. "Hey baby!"

"Luc! Hey babe!" He kissed me once.

"What's that smell? " I sniffed him. Defiantly Viva La Juicy perfume. Which I did NOT own.

"Oh...I..slept with someone else last night, love." Harry muttered.

"That's okay. I can find someone else to sleep with." I said, knowing what he meant but pretending I didn't.

"I mean- I had sex with a girl named Daniella."

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Yeah..I'm sorry-"

"No, I'm sorry that I thought you had changed. You obviously haven't. I'm done." I threw my ring at him and stalked off to find a new place to sleep.

I cranked Avery's "Go Screw Yourself" in the car on the way to my friend Ashley's apartment. I knocked on her door and laughed. 

"Um...Lucy?" She smiled. "What's wrong?"

"Harry slept with someone else." I sighed. "And told Liam before he told me." 

"I'm so sorry, Luc. But as you can see from my bra and undies, I'm in the middle of something. Bye girlie!"

Nobody's here for me anymore, it seems. 

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