Chapter 1: The Boy On The Wall

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A/N: I'm in a 'meh' mood today. So I apologise if this is bad.. Anyway, I don't have much to say so..yeah.


Alex's POV

I smirked as I jumped up onto the crumbling old brick wall. My wall. So what if I'd only been here for a week? I could claim whatever I wanted. I was Alex.

Just Alex.

Not Alexandra.

Not Alexia.

Not whatever-else-you-wanna-call-me.


"Oh, but surely you have a surname?" Is what they had asked me when those idiots forced me to apply for some crappy school that I had no interest in whatsoever. "No, I do not have a surname." Is what I had replied. Why? Well, what the hell does that have to do with you?!

I clenched my fists. Just the thought of those morons got me riled up. Stupid idiots.

Stupid school.

Stupid Japan. *

Stupid parents-oh wait. No stupid parents because they're complete and utter asses- Damn!

I needed to calm down. I reached into my pocket, withdrawing a terribly rolled cigarette. To think I actually paid for this! Should've just nicked it. I thought, mad at myself for wasting my cash on something I could've made better in my sleep.

Oh, I know what you're thinking. Oh my! She smokes? How terrible! Yeah yeah. Whatever. Heard it all before. But do I give a damn? No.

I reached into my other pocket and took out my lighter, igniting the cigar and placing it in my mouth, inhaling the poisonous yet oh-so-calming fumes.

"Hey!" some kid shouted up at me. He looked about thirteen or fourteen and was wearing a uniform of some sort. He had mousey-coloured hair, and an irritating smirk painted across his face. "That's my wall! Now scram!"

I laughed. This brat thought he could actually tell me what do do! Ha!

I'm Alex.

I don't take orders from anybody.

Not you.

Not your family.

Not your friends.

And certainly not a little twerp like him!

"Shut it, brat!" I snapped, holding the cigarette between two fingers and crossing my legs, making myself comfortable. The smirk remained on his face. "And what if I don't?" he said, raising his brows and folding his arms. "If you don't I'll--" I stopped talking when he jumped up and sat next to me.

"It's my wall. I was here first. It's mine." he growled, looking at me, inspecting me. I looked at him and blinked. In the time I'd been here, he was first to come this close to me. They'd usually take one look at my Lonsdale trackies, baggy top, and the hoodie that locked away my long, crimson locks, and be off, giving me funny, puzzled looks. To which I returned with a glare. Obviously the clothes I had worn in England were going to stand out here, in the land of kimonos and robes and crap like that .**

My blank face earned a grin from the kid. "Now, amber-eyes. Get off my wall!"


I laughed inwardly, my eyes and hair were what I liked most about myself. Nobody else I had seen had naturally deep red, curly hair or deep, amber orbs that held as many secrets as a beautiful sunset. It was unique. That's what I liked most. Even if it was a little girly, I didn't mind too much.

You may be thinking; If she likes her hair so much, why does she keep it hidden by her hood?

That's because, wait--give me one good reason why I should tell you!!

"Never." I replied, now smirking myself. "Oh, and by the way. Thanks for the nickname. I like it."

Now it was his turn to blink. Did he think that because of my image, a 'girly' reference like 'amber' would bug me? He was wrong. As I just explained, I took pride in my eyes, and liked the colour very much.

He 'examined' me for a little longer before snatching my cigarette from my hands and throwing it onto the ground. "You don't need that." he said simply, his smirk turning into a small smile.

"Hey! Ya little br-" my voice was muffled by his hand over my mouth.

"I said, you don't need that." he repeated, his voice a little more firm.

If only he knew how wrong he was.

"I'm Hiro, by the way." he said, before jumping off the wall. "Maybe, I'll see you around, amber-eyes."

Maybe if he knew a little more about me, he'd understand--What am I saying?! I'd sworn to myself to never tell anyone about my past, about my 'reasons'.

Nobody cared.

Nobody ever did.

Nobody ever will.




Except maybe, the boy on the wall...


A/N: Oh no Becca! That probably made no sense! >.> Like I said, I apologise.  I'll edit it if it's really that terrible. Anyway, Alex (who's 16 by the way) managed to kick Hiro off his wall! :D She must be special! Lol xD

* I do NOT hate Japan! Pwomise! I love Japan! Please don't take that personally! It's just the character's personality!

** Kimonos and crap like that.... Again, I don't mean it! It's just her personality! Eeeh..

Thanks for reading! And please review and stuff xD Oh, and vote if you liked it :D

Becca x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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