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"Students, there will be an assembly on the field after school today to honor Will Byers and his family. We would like all who can to please attend," the speaker system blared.

Three young boys stormed down the hall. One of them was talking angrily to the other two. "Tonight, we go out to look for Will again. And this time, we will find him," one of them said. I recognized him to be Lucas... Sinclair, I think?

The other two nodded. One was shortish with curly brown hair and a cap on, and the other was tall and slender with dark hair that was a little poofy. I recognized him as Mike Wheeler. I gotta say, he's kind of cute...

I also knew that those three boys had been the best friends of Will Byers. Will had gone missing a few days ago and nobody could figure out why. I couldn't help but feel a little bad.

The bell rang to dismiss school, so I turned and raced to the bike rack outside. I didn't ride a bike, but my best friend Ruth and I always met there. Lucky me, I got there right as those three boys did. Lucas saw me and grumbled, "Move, I'm trying to get my bike."

I snorted but scooted aside, earning a look from Mike that said, "Why are you even here?" I watched as they biked off, wondering when the heck I ever bothered them.

At that moment, I was distracted by Ruth tapping my shoulder. I turned to face her. "What, were you admiring Mike again?" She asked.

"Oh, shut up, " I grumbled, playfully punching her arm. She laughed and we turned and began walking in the direction of her house.

"So, how is Eddie today? " Ruth asked.


"I said, how is Eddie? I know you like him, " she teased.

I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I've had a crush on Eddie Kaspbrak since sixth grade. I know he can be annoying, always up in your face about germs and allergies, but when he's not constantly freaking out, he can be pretty sweet. At least he's nicer than most of his friends. Plus, I mean, he's pretty cute.

"Y/n. Y/N!" Ruth called, giving me a light shove. I stumbled into the street and laughed, shoving her back.

At that moment, a small group of kids on bikes rode by. I recognized some of them, like Bill Denbrough, Stan Uris, and of course... Eddie. There he was, in all his glory, riding down the street and shrieking about how he couldn't go into the sewer.

"No! I can't go in there! And I am NOT sorry, " he called, angrily pointing his finger in the face of a boy with glasses. For a second I thought it was Mike, but then I realized Mike would never wear a Hawaiian shirt.

"It's too messy! There are SO many things that could happen, and I CANNOT get sick! So no I'm not going to explore the sewer with you! NEVER AGAIN!" Eddie screeched.

I turned around and looked at him, my face twisted into a look of confusion. 'The hell? Why are Eddie's friends going to explore the sewer?'

Shrugging, I decided not to worry about it. Ruth and I turned away and continued walking. I sighed and brushed my hair behind my ear. I couldn't stop thinking about Eddie.

At last we got to Ruth's house. We went to her room and flopped on her bed, which had a flower print comforter strewn across it. Movie posters littered her walls and a dresser was backed up against the wall, covered in jewelry and nail polish.

I laid back across the bed. This was the life I wanted. A calm, uneventful life where nothing ever really changed... no one bothered me.

𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘, 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐒 | stranger things & itWhere stories live. Discover now