Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Jon Gustafson

Chapter 8

I wanted nothing to do with this woman, but here I was, waiting for her to find the time to explain my whole life to me. I barely knew her and here she is trying to be the mother that I always longed for but don't want anymore. I hoped that she would be in and out so that I could make my escape with Jon. My one stipulation for participating in this meeting was that he had to be there just in case I couldn't emotionally take what she had to say to me.

It felt like it took forever for her to enter the front room of my suite. I knew exactly when she was going to enter because I could almost feel her foreboding presence looming at the door. I didn't want to do this but here we go.

"My dear Christianna!" she declared in her regal tones as she entered. "How is my favorite suite treating you? Well, I hope."

"Fine," was my curt reply as I sat on the sofa, tensed up and waiting for the onslaught that I knew was coming.

"Well I some things to say and I know that you do not want to hear them but it is something that must be said. You are a princess of this one and the life that you once knew is no longer there. I know it won't be easy, but you must forget about that life and come to flourish here, where you belong."

"I will never forget where I came from. My father raised me and provided for me when you didn't. Do not expect me to forget about that. Is not something that is easily forgotten."

"I don't expect you to just forget but you do need to push the negative thoughts from your mind and come to think of this as your home. But this argument is not why I'm here. I have some exciting news to share with you."

"Oh joy. What other lovely things could you have to tell me?"

"You, my dear, are betrothed. We have not decided on the date yet, but will be married within the year."

"What?! How can I be betrothed when I don't know anyone here? That makes no sense. And I refuse to participate in an arranged marriage. That's just heinous and outdated."

"Well you have no choice in the matter. You will marry this man, and you will work on finding love in the relationship. I am your mother and your mother and you will do as I say," she retorted with a hint of malice and disdain in her voice. "Plus, I'm pretty sure you will be ok with the choice I have made for you. It is the best option out there for not only you but also the country that you are going to inherit in the near future. Now, do you want to know who it is or do you just want it to be a surprise?"

"There is nothing else you could say that would surprise me at this point. Who have you chosen for me?"

"My dear Jonchristopher. He is the only person Taft you know here and he will be good for our country when you come to the throne. He will be a wonderful asset when you don't know the customs or just need information and he is from a good, strong line of men that are well known for their courage and valor."

It took me a minute to completely comprehend what she had just told me. Once it finally dawned on me, I became outraged, screaming at my supposed mother and demanding answers.

"What?! I barely know him! How do you expect me to marry someone that I don't know? Someone that I have only seen twice in my life? That is completely ludicrous. I will not marry him. I will not marry any man that you choose. You have no right to tell me who to love or who to spend my life with.

"I'm sorry, Jon. This is nothing against you but I just can't see myself marrying someone that I barely know. I appreciate what you've done for me and all but that's just as not who I am."

And with that, I grabbed my packed bag and walked out of the room. As I walked through the castle, in the direction that I thought I would find the main entrance and my escape route, I seethed with anger. It wouldn't surprise me if my anger could be seen rolling off of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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