Meeting The Lancasters

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Picture of Zane up top^^^

Alexa's POV

After the ride home I was so tired because Max would not stop staring at me. After a while I got pissed and told him to stop looking at me which of course didn't work. When we got home I was climbing out of the car when Max pushed me.

"Watch it blondie!" ugh Max is so annoying and he will not be getting away with calling me blondie. Watch you back dude because you have what I'm capable of doing. I ignored Max and continued walking to the door. Before I got to the door I was stopped by Issac.

"I forgot to mention that we live with another family who also has a son. When we go inside don't be surprised if you get a hug out of nowhere because that may happen." Mr Issac explained to me. Can this day get any worse? I mean I have to deal with Max but I have to deal with another boy?! Hopefully he will be nicer than Max. I nod and walk off towards the house with the rest of them walking close behind me.

When I walk into the house I am pulled into hug from a women. I just stand the awkwardly not knowing what to do. She squeals "I'm so happy to finally have another girl in the house! Oh and My name is Rosie and this is my husband Ross. Our son Zane is somewhere around the house, probably in his room." Ms. Rosie speaks fast while pointing to the man behind her and then up the stairs to were I assume would be the bedrooms.

"Alexa these are the people we live with. They are super nice and are extremely happy to have you here." Ms. Mary told me. She also seemed extremely happy about me being there. I look around and noticed Max walking up the stairs.

"Max were are you going? Shouldn't you spend time with your new sister?" Ms. Mary asked. Max just waved it off saying he would later. I was now looking around the house. The house was very nice and well decorated. I looked at the four adults not knowing what to do.

"Oh I guess you would like to settle in before dinner. Follow me and I will show you your room." Ms. Mary told me. I nodded and followed her up the stairs and down the hall way. This house is huge. I swear I will be lost before the night is over.

"Here is your room darling! If you need anything Max is right across the hall or you can call me. Ok?" Ms. Mary tells me. I take in the information and walk into the room. I look around and its gorgeous. The room is full of teals, blacks, and mints. Turquoise and black are my favorite colors.

"I hope it looks ok? Emma told me that black and Turquoise were your favorite colors so we tried to make your room full of those colors." Ms. Mary asks me worriedly.

"This is amazing Emma! I love it. The is the best room I've ever been in!" I exclaim. I walk around the room and look at every thing. I then noticed that there is a balcony attached to my room.

"I have a balcony too?! This room is amazing!" I'm so happy that I get to live here. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Emma tells me she is going back downstairs. I start unpacking and putting my clothes away. While I'm putting my clothes away I noticed that the closet is bigger than ones I've seen. While I'm in my closet I hear my door open and then I hear voices. I listen carefully and realize one of the voices as Max's and then one I've never heard of. I hear them talking about scaring me. I walk out and just stare at them. They didn't realize until I cleared my scaring Max but not the other boy.

"What are you doing in here Max and who are you?" I ask not really interested in what they are here for.

"We were going to scare you but you came out of your closet before we could. And this is Zane." Max explained to me. Thing was that Zane didn't look half bad. And I have to live with him! Oh well this will be fun.
"I was dragged into this so I'm going to leave. Oh and next time leave me out of it Max." Zane said and walked out of my room.
"Oh yea Max you can't whisper. I heard you talking to Zane about scaring me and that's why I walked out. Now if you don't mind  GET OUT!" I yelled at Max. He got the memo and walked out of my room mumbling something along the lines of crazy bitch. I roll my eyes and continue putting my things away. I was just about to be finished when Zane barges into my room.
"I was told to get you for dinner. I'm only doing so I don't have my phone taken away so get your ass downstairs." Zane told me bluntly and I stood there shocked that he barged into my room just to cuss me out then tell me to follow him.
"Oh hell no. Your not about to walk into my room and tell me what to do you dick. Now GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" He pisses me off so much and I've only been here for a couple of hours. When I wasn't paying attention Zane pushes me up against the wall.
"Listen here bitch, you have no idea who I am so back off and watch your tone around me." He smirks at me. HE SMIRKED.
"Same for you Zane. You don't know who I am, what I can do, or what has happened. So I suggest you don't piss me off again. Got it? Good! Nice talking to you." I walk out of the room leaving Zane in shock. I walk down into the kitchen to see Mary and Rosie cooking while Ross and Issac drink beer. They notice me and ask me to set the table. While I was setting the table I am suddenly turned around and trapped in between someone's strong arms. I look up to see Zane staring down at me smirking. I got nervous all the sudden. I mean he looks really intimidating right now.
He leans down and whispers in my ear. "You have no idea what's coming for you now princess." He tells me in a seductive voice. It makes me shiver and when he noticed that his smirk got bigger. He left me there and went to sit down at the table waiting for the others to come.

Wow 1140 words! Dang!  Hope y'all enjoy the chapter! I'll see you guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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