Chapter 18: Potty Mouth

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A dark brown haired little boy called after me, running in circles as Sam chased after him. He picked up the boy and spun him around.

"No, Uncle Sammy!" he giggled.

I watched them from a park bench in the middle of Lebanon, Kansas.

Sam held Danny in his arms and brought him to me.

"Mommy!" the boy threw his arms around me the second Sam put him on the ground.

"How's my baby boy?" I hugged him close.

He had the most beautiful eyes. They were a dark hazel, a perfect mix of my dark brown eyes and Dean's green. His hair was dark, also following my dominant traits.Thank God he didn't get my thick curls. He had gotten his daddy's hair texture.

I smiled, standing up as I reached for Danny's hand.

"Come on, Danny. Let's head back home so we can get you some lunch."

Sam and I were still living in the bunker. We found that it was the safest place to raise Danny.

The adjustment to becoming a mother was extremely hard for me, especially without Dean. The night Dean had died, Sam stepped in to help me without hesitation. He was such a good Uncle and role model to Danny. I really respected all that he did for us.

Shortly after we all became adjusted, Sam forbade me from hunting. And he was right, someone had to stay home to take care of the baby. Occasionally, I would go on a simple salt and burn case with Sam just to get out of the house while Cas would babysit. Cas was surprisingly good with children, and Danny loved seeing Cas.

I was happy to see that Danny still had so many positive role models in his life; even without his father. 

We entered the bunker with trepidation. Something was off. The lights were on and there were sounds coming from the kitchen.

"Wait here." Sam instructed as he quickly stepped ahead of us with his gun raised. Danny hid behind my legs as I waited quietly in the main room. Had someone broken in? Had we warded the bunker correctly?

After a moment of intense silence, a gunshot sounded through the bunker. Danny covered an ear with one hand and hugged tightly to my leg with the other.

"Sam?! Are you okay?" I called after him, one hand over Danny's head in an attempt to comfort him.

Sam's voice was strained. "Dean?!" 

My heart froze.

"Sammy, you better not be messing with me." I called after him. I was about to head into the kitchen to investigate when he turned the corner.

"You really need to work on your shot, Sammy. Shooting a cupboard won't kill anybody."

Dean Winchester, covered in holy water and looking exactly how he left three years ago. It  was really him.

"Dean..." I breathed.

He grinned, stepping towards me and pulling me into a giant embrace.

It made no sense. He was dead. He went to Hell for three years. It was impossible for Cas to have saved him this time. It was a complete and utter miracle that he was alive.

I trembled under his touch. "How are you alive, Dean?"

"I honestly have no idea. I'd tell you if I did." he murmured, pressing his thumb against my bottom lip.

Danny shuffled nervously behind me. "Mommy? Who is that?" he inquired, tugging at the back of my leg.

Dean's eyes widened and he slowly pulled away from my face.

"Is that...?"

I nodded. "That's Danny."

"He's so big...h-how long have I been gone??" He stared, marveling at his son.

Sam took a step closer to us. I had forgotten he was still in the room. "Three years, Dean."

Dean's face grew dark. I knew he was hurt. Three years was a long time. He had missed Danny's first words, his first steps... Sam and Cas had been there for all of it; and not Dean. Dean swallowed hard and looked away from me, glancing back to Sam. 

"Hey- listen to me, it's all right Dean." I reassured him, placing a hand on his cheek. "You're back now and that's all that matters...I'm glad you're okay."

Danny continued to stare at his father with curiosity. Shaking away his sadness, Dean smiled and knelt down to Danny's height behind me.

"Hey there, Danny...I'm your Dad." 

Danny looked shyly at his father. "Hi."

Dean had the biggest grin on his face. "He has our eyes." he observed.

I nodded, smiling at the reunion of my family. We were back together.

He stood back to my height. "So...fill me in on the world news! Have the Kansas City Chiefs finally won a Superbowl?"


A couple hours later, Cas popped in the check on us. He almost had an angelic stroke when he saw Dean. He didn't have a clue as to how or why Dean had come back. The four of us sat in the library, celebrating Dean's return with a bottle of beer. We watched Danny run around the room, playing with his toys. Danny had warmed up to Dean very quickly. Danny was already keen on calling him Daddy, sending Dean into a joyous frenzy.

"Thank you guys...For looking after them." Dean nodded towards Sam and Cas, taking a swig of beer.

"Of course, Dean. We're glad you're back."

Dean smirked and stared at his half empty bottle. "Any good cases?"

Sam sighed. "Nope. The past three months have been salt and burns and vampires. I haven't seen a demon in a while."

"That's weird." Dean frowned.

I reached for Sam's computer on the edge of the table and flipped it open. "Actually, I just heard about this case about three towns from here. Multiple disappearances and deaths with traces of sulfur."

"I knew those bastards couldn't hide for too long." Dean shrugged.

"Bastards!" repeated Danny behind me.

Dean chuckled. "He really is my son." Danny beamed back up at him.

"Dean, don't encourage him. You're going to have to learn to control your potty mouth." I smiled. I turned to Danny, putting on my best mommy-face. I had been practicing.

"Danny. Don't say that again, okay? That's a bad word."

He nodded and dashed to his toy blocks in the corner.

"So we're heading to that case right?"

"Yeah, you and I are Dean." Sam answered quickly.

I frowned. "Come on, I haven't left the house in weeks. I'll be fine." I leaned back in my seat.

Sam turned to me. "Cas can't watch over Danny again, Bella."

"I really don't mind, Sam. I like to spend time with the tiny human." Cas grinned.

Dean shrugged. "Come on, I don't see the harm, Sam! Bella just needs to leave the house. We can go take care of this."

I nodded in agreement.

Sam gave up and sighed. "I guess...but Cas is going with them."

Dean nodded slowly to his brother's command. I knew he agreed with his younger brother, but I could tell he already wanted to be the one to call the shots. After all, it was his family. 

"Well let's head out first thing tomorrow morning. I need some real food first." Dean muttered, heading back to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

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