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'I'm going on tour.'
That was the first thing that Dianne said once the others had left, leaving herself and Joe in the empty studio.
She looked up and locked eyes with Joe, smiling.
'Are you ok with that?' She asked timidly, her hand resting on top of his.
Joe gazed back at her, taking in her beauty. It was something about her, something that made it hard to look away. She was hypnotising almost, yet somehow she'd never had a boyfriend in her life.
That had shocked Joe, because she was so drop-dead gorgeous, and what he though was way out of his league.
Honestly, he felt like he was on cloud 9 at the moment, because he finally had a girl to call his own.
'Of course I'm ok with that, it's your life to live.' He replied, grabbing her jaw gently.
'I'll be with you most of the way, you know that.'
A light blush spread across her cheeks as his lips pressed against her cheek, causing her to snuggle into his chest.
He looked down at the redhead, rubbing circles on her arm.
'Can I... call you my... boyfriend?' She blurted the end out, breaking the eye contact as she stared down at her hands.
Instantly, she regretted saying that once Joe's grip loosened from around her, and when he stood up. But when she looked back up with blurry vision, he was reaching for her hands.

Joe's POV:
I gently took Dianne's hands into mine, pulling her up.
'Dianne Buswell, you mean the world to me.' I start, not removing my grip from her shaking hands.
'I was thinking this morning on whether to ask you to be my girlfriend... But I wanted to have a surprise set up for it.'
The soft smile returned to her face as she realised what I was saying.
'But I think I'll do this now.'
I lead her over to my bags, and open it up.
I reach into it and bring out the small box.
I pass it over, placing it gently in her hands.
The redhead slowly lifted the lid and gasped.
'Oh my gosh, Joe, it's beautiful.'
Inside, was a thread bracelet with a charm attached to it- a small gold ribbon.
'When you put this on, and wish for something.. When the thread breaks your wish would've come true.' I play with the ends of her hair as she held the bracelet in her hand.
'Can you?' She asked, holding it out for me to take.
I nod, grinning.
I tie the thread around her wrist, not too tight.
'You made your wish?'
She quickly nodded, giggling.
'But you can't know, or it won't come true.' She then pulled me into the centre of the studio.
'I'm glad I can call you my boyfriend.'
Dianne stared into my eyes, the colour of hers like melted chocolate with hints of gold and green- so pure and beautiful like the girl herself.
'I'm lucky to call you my girlfriend.'

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