0.1 | Tinder

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Dark hummed to himself gently as he looked in the mirror, getting ready for his date. He had met Y/N on a dating app, and had been immediately matched with them. They had gotten to chatting, Dark using his charisma to make Y/N think they were soulmates, when, in fact they were nothing alike. He had very... Dark plans for his date. He wrapped his tie around his neck, snapping his fingers and watching the tie knot itself into a nice necktie. He smirked a little, then pulled his coat on and mumbled to himself as he buttoned his jacket. He combed his hair through with some gel, before mussing it up and chuckling gently. He turned away from the mirror after a few more moments of narcissistic staring at himself. He left the room and turned the light off and traveled through his mansion, turning all the lights off as he went. He then stepped through the threshold of the entrance, closing and locking the door behind him. He smirked and opened his car door, stepping inside before closing the door and locking the seat belt in place. He slowly pressed the gas pedal as he drove to the restaurant. 

[A/N: sorry this was so short!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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