The Machine

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Mei Hatsume was the first one to come up with the idea to create a new machine, but she needed help. She called upon the rest of the support course to create it. The machine only took 4 weeks to make thanks to all the help she got. Since it was done she wanted to test this epic machine, but she needed someone to test it on. She put up flyers asking for just one test subject and for a few days no one showed up that is until Izuku Midoriya showed up to the support course. "Hi Mei!! So you need someone to test out your machine?" Izuku asked with curiosity. "Yes! Yes I do! Thank you for coming Midoriya!" Mei said very happy. "Its no p-problem really! So when am I going to be hoo-hooked up?" Izuku asked. "In a few minutes! Just come with me!!" Mei started to drag izuku out and into the assembly room. Just as they made it many people had already taken their seats including class 1-A, they got to sit in the front row. "W-w-why are so many peo-people here!?" Izuku asked kinda embarrassed. "Well you see, I made this machine for everyone to see how awesome us support course is!" Mei said as she made Izuku sit down. She then hooked him up. "Ok everyone!! This machine is very interesting almost like watching a movie! Once i turn it on make sure to pay attention! It shows alternate time lines of the person that is hooked up!" Mei said into the microphone. As she injected a shot that makes people sleep into izuku's arm...once he was asleep she turned the machine on and watched in amazement as the screen lit up and started to play.

((ok so when its bold it is the different AU.))

Izuku was in his dorm room's bathroom looking at himself in the mirror. 'Ugh I'm so fat' he thought to himself when In reality he looked like his normal self. After he finished getting ready for school he just skipped breakfast like usual and went to class.

The screen skipped some time.

Izuku was walking to lunch with Uraraka and Iida his best friends. "So what are you gonna eat today Deku?!" Uraraka said in her normal cheery voice. "Oh im not really hungry today I had a big breakfast!" said Izuku lieing straight through his teeth. "Well ok! If you say so!" Said Uraraka as she hugged Iida while they were walking. "I'm glad your relationship is going well guys" Izuku said while smiling. "Why thank you Midoriya!" Iida said while doing his strange robotic hand movements.

the screen skipped a little bit

Izuku, Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki were sitting down at the lunch table talking about random stuff when all of a sudden Izuku started to feel dizzy from lack of food since he hadn't really eaten at all in about 4 and a half weeks. "Hey you ok Deku?" Asked a very concerned Uraraka. Izuku gave no answer as he started to wobble in his seat a bit with his eyes half lidded. "Midoriya?" Iida asked raising his voice, getting very very concerned. By now Bakugou's whole table was looking directly at Izuku. "HEY NERD! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Bakugou screamed. Izuku still showed no signs of hearing him and a few minutes after he passed out. Izuku fell out of his seat and directly onto his head. "DEKU/MIDORIYA!!!" They screamed. Bakugou was the first to jump out of his seat and run to his childhood best friend. "DON'T JUST SIT THERE YOU DAMN EXTRAS!!! GET HELP!!!" He screamed. Iida was the one to go grab the teachers as Bakugou sat on the floor with izuku's head on his lap. 'he looks really skinny....' Bakugou thought to himself as he sat there looking him up and down. 'Wait.....was he....starving himself?' A few minutes later Iida came back with Aizawa and recovery girl. Recovery girl walked over to Izuku as fast as she could and looked at him. She kissed his forehead it didn't do anything. "This isn't something I can fix...." She said sadly. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN FIX?!" Bakugou screamed a few tears falling down his face. "I can't heal him....I'm sorry....he's going to die." She said.

The screen then turned black. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Bakugou yelled. "it was one of the different AU's! My baby works!!!" Mei screeched excitedly. "WHY THE FUCK DID IT EVEN SHOW THAT?!" He screamed again. "I think it may have something to do with the emotions he's kept bottled up for a long time. Perhaps they have been buried in the back of his mind or something." Mei looked slightly nervous. Before Bakugou could say anything else the screen started to play another "AU".

The screen shows Izuku as a child sitting in a hospital room chair "I'm sorry but your quirkless kid" the doctor said. After that Izuku broke down into tears looking so sad and done with the world. The memory faded out and was replaced by another. "Im sorry Izuku, I'm so sorry!" Inko said crying onto her crying child's shoulder. It continues to fade in and out to each and every mean thing ever said and done to him until it stops at a very specific memory. "How about you go take a Sean dive off the roof of the building and pray to have a quirk in your next life!" A very familiar ash blond boy yelled out. It then faded out and stopped on another very specific memory. It was ALL MIGHT?! "I'm sorry but you can't become a hero without a's just not possible." All Might said. Izuku woke up with a start in his dorm room, tears rolling down his face. He got up and went to his bathroom. He stared into his mirror just crying for about 2 minutes before grabbing a small shiny metal object from inside a tissue box.

Not many people could tell what it was, but Bakugou could and he was shocked. He was just staring at the screen, mouth open wide along with his eyes. He was upset. He knew it was just an "AU"- no it wasn't an AU...he knew better than that. Bakugou recalled what Mei had said but was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of whimpering coming from Izuku. Not from the projecter...but from him. He was crying and his arms were twitching. Bakugou knew why as soon as he looked back at the screen...

Izuku had started to cut himself. He was just so sad it was all he had to calm himself down. Yeah sure he had his dream coming true...but that doesn't stop his depression from getting controll of his mind. He was shrouded in darkness and sadness with no way out. Sure he could tell his friends and hopefully get some help, but he would probably just be pitied and he didn't want that. Izuku didn't realize how much he had cut himself until he felt the blood running down his arms. He looked down, but didn't seem to care. He just sat down next to the bath tub letting the blood drip onto the tile. He put the blade verticle on his wrist. "No one would care if I died..." He said as he dragged it slowly letting it drip down his arm at a much more alarming rate. He snapped out of it too late. He was feeling too dizzy to get up! His eyes were wide with fear as he dropped the blade, trying to put pressure on the wound. He called for help. He screamed as loud as he could in hopes someone would save him. He knew Bakugou was next door to him so he called his name out in desperation. "KACCHAN!" He screamed "KACCHAN!" He screamed again. He passed out a little after he heard his door explode and a loud voice slowly fading out. "DEKU?!" Everything faded to black

Another one didn't play, but Izuku didn't wake up. He still had tears streaming down his unconscious face. "Why the fuck isn't he waking up?!" Bakugou asked in his usual angry voice. He was good at hiding his concern. "Oh the shot I gave him hasn't worn off yet. Would you like to take him to his dorm? You seem like the only one not bawling their eyes out." She stated motioning to the crowd. Bakugou sighed but complied anyways. He hopped up on stage and picked him up bridal style. Bakugou then walked back to Izuku's dorm room. He opened the door and set him on his All Might themed bed. Bakugou waited a minute before starting to walk away, he was stopped by a hand grabbing the Hem of his shirt. Bakugou looked back at his childhood friend, with a look of care in his eyes. It may seem less he he doesn't but he does...he always has, his pride has just kept him from showing it. Bakugou sighed quietly before sitting down on the edge of Izuku's bed, his childhood friends hand still gripped to his shirt. Bakugou just sat there, silently crying. He managed to hide the fact that what he saw had to effected him for this long but he couldn't hide it any longer. He was upset and worried. After Izuku's hand finally let go, Bakugou left Izuku's room and closed the door. He walked to his room and went to sleep.

"I hope what we saw doesn't happen..." Is all that ran through Bakugou's mind as he fell asleep.

Hey guys I made a new story! Aka this one...but I hope you liked it I tried my best! I'll be posting when I feel up to it. Which probably won't be often on account of school and stuff but I'll try! Author out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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