"Down, boy!"

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"Please, Kaede," Kagome clasps her hands and begs. "They are driving the rest of us crazy."

Kaede doesn't look up from the medicine that she's grounding, kneeling on her hut's floor. "Child, I gave you Inuyasha's subjugation beads not to hurt him, but because it was the only way."

"I know, which is why I'm asking for it again!" Kagome says, "You don't understand what's it like. They're constantly at each other's throats -literary!"

That's true.

"It's as Kagome says," Sango, who is sitting besides Kagome and Miroku, agrees whole heartily. "We're afraid that one day someone is going to get killed."

That's a little less true. While Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's fights are still nerve-racking (and hella annoying), it's not the bone-chilling and heart-stopping kind that it used to be. Ever since Sesshomaru's group has decided to travel with theirs for the sake of collecting the shards and defeating Naraku quicker, people have noticed the subtle changes in Sesshomaru. Of course everyone still has a healthy fear for the yokai Lord, but they're not so worried that he'll slaughter the lot of them on a whim anymore. And everyone collectively agrees that the changes is all thanks to Rin.

Yet, Sesshomaru's little personality's change does not stop him from battling Inuyasha when provoked. Which is every damn day. Truly, Kagome is amazed that Sesshomaru hasn't ditched them yet.

'Must be because Rin and Shippo are such great friends,' Kagome muses.

Kagome has brought her friends along with her because she believes that three voices are louder than one. But Shippo, bless his heart, is not so good about keeping things on the low key. So currently he and Rin are at another villager's house to play.

Meanwhile, the two dogs are fighting in the forest. Again.

"Lady Kaede, please understand," Miroku tries. "Even if the two of them are able to heal themselves, what is to happen if someone else get's caught in the crossfire?"

When Kaede pauses and purses her lips, Kagome knows that Miroku has her. Kagome shoots Miroku a encouraging look, as does Sango. If anyone can convince Kaede, it's Miroku. Who knew all his practice with sprouting bullshit would aid them in this?

Miroku smothers urge the smirk and continues; "I'm sure neither of them wishes to purposely harm bystanders, but accidents do happen. Just think about young Rin and Shippo."

Kaede finally looks at them and glances to her window, where one can see glimpses of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru leaping and fighting. Kaede sighs, and Kagome resists the urge to punch the air.


"If I aid you, do you promise to only use it when absolutely necessary?" she questions Kagome seriously. "We do not need an unnecessary bloodthirsty yokai," she warns.

Kagome hurriedly nods. "Of course!" 'So that's why she was so against it? Well, I can understand. Sesshomaru obviously isn't Inuyasha...'

Kaede studies the three a moment more before conceding. "Very well then. I shall teach you, child."

Sango and Miroku leave while Kaede teaches Kagome how to create a subjugate, both sharing triumph expressions, to make sure that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stay far away, least they overhear or see the surprise.

Creating a subjugation necklace is a lot harder than assumed. Kagome growls in frustration when Kaede says that there isn't enough power in the beads. Sweat is trailing down her hothead, but none the less tries to push past her annoyance and tries harder. She will make the damn necklace. Determination, and let's be honest, anger over the past months fuels Kagome.

The Necklace Of DamnationWhere stories live. Discover now