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Hey everyone, I'm R.L. and this will be the first story I am publishing. I started my journey in writing almost 20 years ago when I was 14. Over the years I have written several books, but I allowed my anxiety get the best of me, and never tried to put my ideas out into the world. 

After having my son last year, a fire ignited in me, and I knew I had to publish a book. Not for my own personal gain, though it would be nice to have recognition, but to one day show my son that he can do anything that he puts his mind to. It only takes dedication and hard work.

Morvian will be a series of 3 books, which follows the titular character, Fyrra Morvian, a girl with a special ability. Though it is a Sci-fi/Fantasy novel, I like to only think of that as a setting, as my writing tends to focus more on character. The series will tackle subjects such as loss, depression, and purpose. 

You will be able to read the first 3 chapters, which serves as the prologue of the book. I do hope you enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to read. I could not say it enough.


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