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Janiyas pov

I was in my room with Nolan we had gotten together about 2 weeks ago after he finally texted me it was about 2 days after i had meet him he said he would have texted me when i got home but he jad left his phone on top off the car when he was leaving zaxbys and he forgot it was on thier and when he drove off it flew off so yea he is real sweet and caring i really like him for some reason a got a real good feeling about us right now we were talking about prom and graduation

Nolen- after graduation I wanna go to college and play ball it's always been much dream career he said playing in my hair while I layed on his chest 

Me-i wanna go to the military I drew imaginary circles on his chest

Nolen-he sat up and pulled me up with his so that I was sitting in his lap no u ain't going to to military you ain't gone die on me he made a serious face

Me-why do everyone say that when I mention that?  Not everyone dies when they go and that's only if you pick a certain career dummy I hit his chest

Nolen- of course I know that I'm saying I lost my grandpa in the army and he den fight he was on his way to Texas and he was stopped by some terrorist from iraq and when they found out he was a American solder or veteran or Whatever they killed him he looked as if he were about to cry and till this day we still don't know who they were and it's been 4 in a half years ago I wiped a tear that was falling down his cheek

Me-im sorry for your lost NolenI hugged him he seemed like he needed it

Nolen-it's good but if you do decide to go promise me we gone move together no matter what? He looked me in my eyes

Me-i promise

He  smile and them kissed me I kissed back he slid his tongue in my mouth moments later I was on my back with my hands pinned over my head and him kissing on my neck I let outta soft moan but once i realized what was going on I slightly pushed him off my and sat up

Nolen-I did some wrong?

Me-no I'm just not ready I smiled softly folding my arms over my chest

Nolen- he got off the bed and walked over to me virgin?

Me- I looked down Yea

Nolen- ain't Nun wrong with that baby he lifted my chin with his index finger and kissed me but look i gotta go we gotta meet coach for a meeting

Me-but football season over I whinnied poking out my bottom lip

Nolen-I know but he wanna talk to us about future references or some shit he walked over and got his bookbag then walked back over to me want me to come back over after it's over with? He touched my nose



He hugged me and kissed me once more then.we both  walked downstairs and out the door.I locked the door then  I went to my room and checked to cheek the time it was 4:57 I needed a nap so I changed into a sports bra and a pair off my cheerleading shorts and took a nap

Kiyas pov

i was leaving from the docters office with resse i had just turned 4 months yesterday im soooooo ready to het this baby out i just hope its a girl thoe over these few me and resse been going good at it he been there for me every step off the way exept a few times he had practice or had to be there with mariah yea they still together and they cute they got prom in 3 weeks  he said hes going to ask her tonight and he needs me but i dont know yet or why right now we were on the way to party city to get some ballons made im acting like im sleep so i aint gotta get out 

Resse- I know u ain't sleep over there

I didn't say anything but I was trying my best not to smile I heard the car cut off and the door shut I thought he left so I slowly opened my eyes just a bit and he was walking around the car so I knew he was about to open my door so I moved to the left and layed my head on the armrest thing and hurried and shut by eyes as soon as I did the door flew open I heard him smack his teeth

Resse-girl get yo ass up Ifelt  him rub my thigh slowly

I was about to get up when I Heard a female yell

??-resse what the hell?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes a bit and then saw Mariah with some girl with pink hair mariah looked highly upset

Me-ahhh shit

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