Ch1 - 2:02am

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1:45am - looking for new friends -CK
1:58am - relationship advice?? -N
2:02am - need someone to talk to -M
2:06am - can't sleep. bored. let's talk -C
2:14am - i guess i kinda want to die? -M
2:39am - hey whoever's reading this, i hope you have a good night. try to get some rest -JQ
2:41am - stfu jq^ go to bed -M

Chat with 'M'
2:38am [JQ has entered the chat]

JQ: hey fam saw your message on the anon board tonight and wanted to see if you're still looking for someone to talk to

M: i guess

JQ: you said you want to die. are you in some sort of immediate danger? should i call someone??

M: i'm not actively seeking out death, but i'm gonna be honest and say that i'd be grateful if someone hit me with their car tonight

JQ: damn homie you wanna talk about it

M: i mean,,,, i guess.
M: i just feel empty, like there's no reason for anything, no purpose for existence, and if i were to die nothing would really change.
M: why should it even matter? it'd be better if i just stopped existing. my friends don't really care much for me anyway. or at least not enough to notice there's a problem. only one of them cares
M: i can't even say i feel 'bad' because really i just don't feel much of anything

JQ: i have a friend who's been feeling down lately and i can't seem to get him to talk, but the way you explained it sounds like him. is there anything that usually helps you during these times??

M: idk, i go on runs sometimes. i dance. nothing really makes me feel anymore. the world is grey

JQ: hey so uh
JQ: i know this is gonna sound weird but do you wanna meet up? you posted on a local message board so i figured you're around here and i thought you might like someone to hang out with

M: i don't want to end up dismembered in a trash bag because i met up with some stranger i met online. i'm too young to be murdered (T^T)

JQ: how old are you?

M: not telling. for all i know you're some creeper looking for someone to kill tonight. and i don't know how old you are either

JQ: 17

M: yeah still don't believe you lmao

JQ: fine then i'll prove it

JQ: fine then i'll prove it

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JQ: so, about meeting up?

M: AbSoLuTeLy NoT.

JQ: aw why :(

M: because I know you. you go to my school

JQ: oh, so we're around the same age!
JQ: maybe i know you!! what's your name?

M: not telling.

JQ: please uwu

M: not a chance, pretty boy
M: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

JQ: yknow, for someone who feels devoid of emotion, you send a lot of emoticons
JQ: wait did you just call me 'pretty boy'
JQ: ugH my best friend calls me that and i told him to be careful with it because i didn't want everyone at school to call me pretty boy
JQ: wait!! does that mean you're friends with him???? what's your name i can talk to him and then you'll have another friend who can help you out in case im not here

M: i can't tell you who i am

JQ: why not? i don't even know if i know you

M: you do. and this would change your opinion of me, so there's no chance i'll tell
M: you can't help me anyway

JQ: if you don't think anyone would help, why did you post on the local board?

M: if you're acting so chipper and seeming perfectly fine, why do you spend time on this depressing message board?

JQ: i'm an insomniac. can't solve my own problems, so i try to be there to support other people through theirs..

M: that's cute
M: (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
M: big uwu

JQ: you don't have to take me up on my offer, but i'll be there anyway. i'll wait for you at the old church parking lot. if you want to come say hi, then that's great, but i won't pressure you to go

M: i'll think about it.
read 3:22am

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