Summer camp 🔆

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I was there in front of the desk once again.summer camp was always the best thing I could do during the summer time it was great I met up with all my friends and met others we all had something in common we are kind of to old for this but we play beyblade it is really fun for us and we had a field trip every Tuesday and Thursday we also had the weekand off and it was a church but on Friday we always got a free snow cone it was the best my favorite flavor was cotton candy I loved it and this also happened over and over but I love the field trips.but the teacher really didn't like the beyblades for some reason we never figured out we didn't really care also this one time he was nagging in my face then I shrugged my shoulders and he went off for some reason he had anger issues just like one of my friends and yes it keep looping and looping for 3 months it was fun we even got to watch scary movies sometimes we are popcorn and we even had a play area for just well free play duh our parents would pick us up at the end of the day and it happens again except better
Sorry the chapter was short

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