Rules! (Of course)

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It can't be an Rp book without Rules otherwise someone gonna report me (Like everyone else with they're Rp books) for the smallest&dumbest things that are harmless. *Cough Cough* Smut and lewd pics *Couch Couch*

Rule#1:No overpowered or Mary Sue Characters.

Rule#2:Yaoi and Yuri are allowed or course (If you don't think it's good then...just leave)

Rule#3:No sentence that are really short like this. (Less than ten words)

Ex:I went to the movies with A/n.(or) went to the movies with A/n.
(Make it a little bit detail but don't overdo it to the point where it's really long or 5 pages of paragraphs and you're brain will melt and you will go dumb and feel overdoned with it.
Not everything needs to be perfect but at least to the positive side.)

Rule#4:It can be a little bit dramatic and some other stuff but don't overdo (Unless I role with it for no reason or see where the direction will go)

Rule#5:There will be a Group Rp but it will be a separate page. If you want to Rp with others that's fine if not then that's okay as well. I will also make a few group Rp comments and you can come in but if a few people are Rping in one of the chats you can't just barge in. You need to ask if you can join or ask if you want to have another Group Rp section

Rule#6:If you want to do Smut I can make it as a page cause PM will never work Thanks to Wattpad being "totally stable and not buggy at all".
Besides picking The Ocs you can also and this is optional ask for a character from Video games or Anime but do the expect me to know everything cause My mind can know so much.

Rule#7: Don't be an ass to people. If that's a role you play for you're character okay I guess but don't harass or do anything to the person/people

Rule#8: You're character can be anything.
They can be a Furry,Neko,Saiyan, Demon,Monster,Immortal (When I mean Immortal I mean you can live for eons and never age but can still get hurt or killed?),Elves,Witch Hell you can even be a stick of butter I don't know.
(Oh yeah and you can also be an anime or video game character as well)

Rule#9:If you wanna take a break from the Rp but still want to talk I will make a Group chat where you can talk and make friends with others so yeah.

Rule#10:You can tag You're Ocs so don't worry. I didn't forget

Rule#11:If I don't respond in an hour or more then I'm probably busy or from where I am asleep. Just don't spam like if you're spamming the same move in a fighting game

Rule#12:Have fun and Enjoy the Rp book

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