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memeulous: how is he

stephen: he cried a lot, then he ranted a lot, and now he is sleeping

stephen: i don't think he should go to school tomorrow

memeulous: yeah same, but there is no way he will do that

stephen: ik, i suggested him exactly that and he said that he doesn't want to seem weak etc

memeulous: he will probably beat the shit out of greg as soon as he says anything and then get detention, let's be honest

stephen: yeap

stephen: where are you all, i want to come by

memeulous: at my house

memeulous: but shouldnt you stay with him?

stephen: i can't, i might get caught by his mother and he doesn't need his mom's shit on top of everything else

memeulous: wait a minute, how did you get inside his house in secret, his mom is always there in these hours

stephen: ..through his window

memeulous: HOW TF-

stephen: using a ladder

memeulous: stephen,, mate,, you're in love

stephen: yeah no shit

stephen: who is there with you?

memeulous: james and fraser

stephen: where is alex

memeulous: he can't handle this stuff ste, you know how he is

stephen: i don't think its just that

stephen: he is lowkey jealous of you and james

memeulous: i highly doubt this is why he is not here

stephen: im not saying this is the only reason, but that its A reason

memeulous: nahh, why would he be jealous

stephen: because you and james flirted with each other constantly before he and alex got together??

memeulous: we did not tf

stephen: you were literally calling him daddy

memeulous: we were joking

stephen: yeah right

stephen: you must have fancied him a little bit

memeulous: maybe

stephen: knew it!!

memeulous: sod off

stephen: do you still have feelings for him?

memeulous: kinda but not really. he is with alex and he is happy and josh is texting me at least 3 times a week so im not "obsessed" with him or anything

stephen: wait are you serious right now? josh is like.. the best looking gay guy in our school..in our area actually

memeulous: hmm hadn't notice

stephen: im coming over, i need to hear the details in person

stephen: i also need to hug all of you cause im terrified

memeulous: nothing that happened to us last year will happen to him

memeulous: he is stronger than us and he is actually popular. greg, keem and their friends might be homophobic but that doesnt mean everyone at school is

stephen: im still scared

memeulous: so am i tbh

memeulous: come hug me

stephen: aww big george memeulous wants a hug

stephen: omw babe



do you want george/josh to become a thing?

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now