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Grayson Bailey
Ten years later

     I smiled brightly as Kari accepted the ring, Jackson, her now fiancée, placed the ring on her left hand. The restaurant we were currently in clapped and smiled at the seemingly perfect couple.

        It was times like this I wished I never pulled that trigger but I did, and that's on me. I saved many people that were conflicted by the gang, each and every one of them was locked up. Ethan was in head quarters, chained to a chair in his padded room, I refused to visit him after all this time. I tried to take his life after something that was so dumb, a girl.

        Kari asked to see him a few times but I always shut her down, convincing her that he wasn't a good man. "Hey sweetie, I'll meet up with you tomorrow, I have something to take care of. Congratulations guys" I bid my goodbye and step out of the restaurant.

          I became Kari's father figure, I showed her right from wrong, I helped her get through her first break up, I was there when she had her first surgery for her first broken arm, when she started her first period. I walked her through everything, she's the reason for my existence.

         I got into my car and took off, thinking about my life without Ethan and what we could of been. Maybe he would fall in love with me, maybe we would of gotten married, or maybe the same thing would happen and he would lie about his feelings.

      I missed him deeply, which I know sounds fucked up since I put him in a severe state. I nearly killed the man, he was in a coma for six months, he was even put on DNR which meant do not resuscitate. I was the reason for almost ending his life, and I took full responsibility for that, but he was very well alive.

      I found myself pulling up to the very institution he was being held in. I stepped out of the car with shaky hands, walking into the double doors with sweat beaming at my forehead.

          "Hi, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks. "Um I'm a visitor" I tell her and she smiles, "patient?" She asks, "Ethan Dolan" I say, clearing my throat after. She looks at me for a moment before typing away at her key board, "your name?" She asks, "Grayson Bailey" I say.

           The lady picks up the office phone and dials a number. "Hello, can you tell Dolan he has a visitor by the name of Grasyon Bailey coming up in just a moment?" She asks the person, the conversation lasted short as she put down the phone almost immediately after picking it up.

         "Third floor, Ethan is with some friends at the moment but it shouldn't be a problem" she tells me kindly. "They're all in room 304" she directs me and I nod, thanking her and walking towards the elevator.

            I press the button and bite my lip nervously, my hands shaking at the thought of seeing him again. The elevator dinged as the doors opened, memories came flooding back as I stepped in and pressed the number '3'.

            I rode up by myself, getting more and more nervous as I hit each floor slowly. The doors opened at the third floor and I stepped off, being greeted by a guard. "Bailey?" He asks in a grumbly voice and I nod, "right this way" he leads me down a row of rooms, opening a door with the numbers '304'.

           I felt myself hold my breath as Ethan, Jackson, Aaron, and Manny sat at a round table, playing cards. Ethan looked up from the table, immediately making eye contact with me.

         He slowly stood up and walked towards me, the guard putting his hands out in front of me. "No, it's okay" I tell the guard and he slowly backs up.

        Ethan stands right against me, not speaking a word as he looks down at me. "Where have you been?" He asks me in a whisper, searching my face.

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