its time!

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Hy guys this is the first chapter ther will be a magor amount of misspelled words sorry but enjoy!

You heard a scream coming from the street around yours so you trasformed your arm into a sythce and ran over to see a mom hugging a child that looked about 6 to your view and a kishin hovering over them ready to strike"hey ugly!"you shouted the kishin looked at you and ran tords you you doged it then to people came running over the boy trasformed into a sythce the girl swung him around fihting the kishin you wanted to join in but you were shocked that they killed the kishin in a few strikes after they killed the it the girl ran over to you and he mom and the child the albino swallode the kishin soul whole after the mom and the child went home the girl walked over and asked if y8u were ok you nodded then the albino grinned and walked over

The girl with pigtails stuck out her hand out"im maka whats you name" its _____ you replied and shook her hand and the albino stopped 5 feet away from you and stared in to your eyes locking his red crisim eyes to your (e/c) you blushed lightly but dident notice he grinned and stuck his hand out and shook yous and said "im soul nice to meet you ______"" you to" you replied it got silent for a minute but then the girl said"since youra weapon do you go to he dwma?" You shook your head maka informed you on what it was and said its a great place and that she will show you to the dwma tommorow and talk to lord death so you can join the school soul trailed behind you guys listening quietly but at one point he asked you"what kind of weapon are you ______?" A sythe you replied "thats cool im a sythce to but cooler"you giggled "thats nice you replied" maka asked wher you lived and you told her you lived on the streets homeless maka insisted you stay at her house until you get one

"Do you have family?"soul asked you looked down a said you rather not talk about it soul put his hand on your shoulder "when your ready"he said then walked ahead if you

-time skip brought to you by my lazyness (makas)

Maka said she would go shopping and be gone for edleast an hour and with that she left you home with was awkward cause this never happend and your never left home witha boy

"Souls thoughts"

I looked at ____ while she was distarcted by something I just loved everyhing about her she was beutiful her (h/c),(h/l),(e/c),just everything she was perfect


"So _______...."he broke he scilence you jumped alittle y-yeah you replied "what kind of sytche are you?"you looked into his beautiful red eyes and told him you were a death sythe "WHAT!!!"yiu looked at him confuzed got a problem with it you said "n-no.... but how are you a death sycthe...?"he asked"i dont know all I remeber is my family leaving and a few years later finding out im a weapon and then hearing im a death sythe by this person who stayed by my side then died......."you replied..."how did they die?" Soul continued, you stared to tear up trying to hold them back

Soul huggdd you and appoligized for asking you said it was fine but he dident listen you said you woul tell him if he wanted byt he said "no" and hugged you tighter"tell me when you want to not when I want to" he said you smiled and looked up at him "hey ___....."he stuttered"yeah" you replied soul brushed your (h/c),(h/l) behind your ear and kissed you

You froze there for a few seconds then melted into the kiss and thought to yourself "am I falling for him..?"you kissed back then he backed up and hugged you again and said"i know that we just met but..... I think y-your beautiful and I dont want to see you get hurt"you face turned a bright red and you buried you head in his chest and huggd him

Makas p.o.v./thoughts

"I wonder what there doing at home.....if soul does anyhting to hurt her while im gone he's dead

Normal p.o.v.

Maka walked in on them hugging and walked to the kitchen and diddent care much she just out the food away and walked up to us and said awwwww and went to bed

Time skip(bed time) your p.o.v.

You slept in souls room while he slept out in the living lied there thinking about what happend then rolled over facing the wall a few minutes the door opened and you looked over to see soul closed the door and walk tords you and lays down next to you and hugs you"hope you dont mind ____..."he said "its f-fine"you blushed soul notied and grinned and you felt his warm breath on your neck then he kissed you again but this time you kissed back instantly and you guys drifted off to sleep with your head buried in his chest

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter ill update more very soon the next chaper youl meet the others so sont leave meh!!! Well not yet bye

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