New School

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Sophia's p.o.v

Stupid alarm. I pushed the alarm off and woke up, I got ready for school and FaceTimed lexi

L"so how's the house"
S"it's big and has a big backyard"
L"that's good, have u seen any sexy guys"
S"not yet lol"
L"tell me when u see some lol, I gotta go to school cya"
S"me too cya"

I got my bag and walked to the bus, I seen these 2 really cute guys who looked my way, I quickly looked away and went on my phone.

I hopped on the bus and one of them sat beside me.
"I'm ruby and you are?"
I looked at him for a second and finally replied
"I'm Sophia, call me soph"
R"okay soph this is my friend Cesar"
S" hi Cesar"
Cesar" hey gorgeous"

We talked the whole way to school and damn we're these boys ever cute and nice I could see them and me being really good friends.
We finally got to school and they showed me to my classes and showed me around the school. I met some of there friends. I sat threw the same class alllll morning, it was terrible. Finally the bell rang and I went for lunch. I sat down and no more then 5 minutes later Cesar and Ruby sat next to me. About 3 tables away a lightskin girl and darker guy looked at us and look pretty mad. I was confused so I just looked away.
"I have a question"
R" yes princess"
"Who's the girl and guy looking at us"
C" that's Monse and Jamal our bestfriends"
"Oh okay should we ask them to join us?"
C"no they don't like us chilling with other people"

I just thought to myself, well there goes my change at these guys being my friends but I just said.

The lunch went on and they still looked mad so I just ignored it as much as I could.


"What class do u guys have"
"Great Cesar your with me"
C"great let's go"

Me and Cesar walked to math, we saw Jamal he was also going to math. We all went to math and sat together.
Jamal" What's your name"
Jamal" I'm Jamal"
"I know I've heard"
Jamal looked at Cesar and Cesar smiled at him.

(After School)

C" so soph do u know how to get back home from here"

"I think I just take the 86 all the way to bulhord"

C"ya that's about right could I join u?"

"I love company so sure"

We toke the bus all the way home and he walked me right to the door and we almost kissed but my dad Opened the door.


I walked into my room and FaceTimed Lexi and told her everything. I was about to go to sleep but I went on Instagram instead and found ruby and Cesar and even Monse and Jamal. I decided to post a pic  once they all
Followed me back. I didn't want them to know I was popular on social media but to late.

4680 likes 1694 comments  (15 minutes ago)Sophiabby: BabyBoy got hella feels

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4680 likes 1694 comments  (15 minutes ago)
Sophiabby: BabyBoy got hella feels

Cesarrxx; jhezz girl😍

RubyTx; woahh sophlookin good😘❤️
     Cesarxx; chill ruby I called her

Sophiafan784; damn girly❤️

Jamal789; bestfriend?🤪

Monsexoxo; damn u are pretty😍

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I Went to bed.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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