Chapter 21// Babe. bAbE. BAbe.

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The Next Day

Roni Pov

Roni: Aaron, the presentation for our project is tomorrow.

I sulk on Aaron's beanbag chair in his room.

Aaron: Relax, you're pretty much done.

Roni: But, it seems so typical. There's no spice to it.

Aaron: I think it has plenty of spice.

Roni: You're just saying that.

Aaron: We know pretty much everything about each other, at least everything important.

Roni: Still. Ughhh. What am I gonna do?????

Aaron: Here. 

Aaron throws a teddy bear at me.

Roni: What's this?

Aaron: It's Robert. My bear. He's always been there for me when I needed comfort.

Roni: Hah. Really? A bear?

Aaron: Hey! Don't underestimate him or judge him!

Roni: NO no no. Don't get me wrong, I actually think it's pretty cute---the doll---bear I mean. 

Aaron looks up and laughs at me.

Roni: Don't do that.

Aaron: Do what?

Roni: Look at me like I'm a child. I'm not a child.

Aaron: You're saying that to the person who owns a teddy bear.

Roni: Good point.

I look at Aaron focusing on his work. It's cute how he furrows his eyebrows and bites his bottom lip when he focuses. I know I shouldn't be thinking of him this way, but It's not like I'm going to act upon it. That's where it would be wrong. I missed the chance. Now I gotta deal with it.

Roni: Aaron?

Aaron: Uh-huh.

Roni: How's it going with you and Sydney?

Aaron: Good, I guess.

Roni: You guess? 

My eyebrow raises.

Aaron: No guess. It's good. Just good.

Roni: okay. Well, why aren't you guys official yet? You told me you weren't.

Aaron: I don't know. I guess she's waiting for me to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I just haven't done it yet.

Roni: Have you guys...kissed?

Aaron: I don't kiss and tell.

Roni: So you did.

Aaron: That's none of your business, Merrell.

Roni: Merrell, huh?

Aaron: Has a nice ring to it. Well, how are you? Considering....

Roni: I'm okay. It's weird that it's a secret to my friends. Especially Nessa.

Aaron: You can tell her, if you want. I know she'll be supportive.

Roni: Yeah, but I don't want her to worry. Like you, you feel obligated to keep on asking me if I'm okay or not.

Aaron: I guess you have to deal with people caring about you.

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