Chapter 5.

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My stop finally came so I started walking home but I realized that Armaan followed. "Are you following me?" I asked, "Good to know that you think of me as a stalker too" He replied.

I pretended I didn't hear that "God stop following me" I said. "This is the way to my house too, Sherlock". 

I looked over to him with a shocked expression, "What do you mean this is the way to your house?", "you do realize you're not the only one who lives on this street right" he replied.

I gave him an exaggerated laugh saying, "ha ha ha so funny." Which caused him to give me a weird look, that confirmed that he realized my obvious sarcasm. I walked up to my driveway and saw him following me again.

I frowned and said, "Mr you're not the only one living on this street, why are you still following me?" "You'll see" was his only reply.

 He walked faster and rang the doorbell on the house next to mine. Oops? I just realized he might be my new neighbour. Not helping the cause at all!

I go to my front door and ring the bell since I'm too lazy to get my keys out. Ashish opens the doors, gives me a disgusted look and walks away. 

Some things never change in this household. More like Hellhole.

I step inside and see my mom sitting on the couch watching some Food Channel. "Oh Manisha, you're home early today?" She asked.

 "Yes, group studies got cancelled today" I replied. Yes, "group studies" is definitely not my excuse to go work. "Ok" she said, drifting her attention back to the TV.

That's usually the only interaction I have with ALL of my family members. I rush upstairs to take a shower since I smelled like poop. 

I got out and threw on some sweatpants and a random top.  I then sat on my black leather, super smooth office chair and did my homework which took me about 2 hours because of high school, duh! 

I start to laugh at my own thoughts, then I laugh at the fact that I'm laughing at myself.

 My brother knocks on my door, "Who are you talking to? It better not be a boy or I will personally beat them up! And in any case, you're laughing at yourself, then dear stupid sister, you're officially a maniac too" He said. 

That's the most he's said to me in a month. Our last interaction before this was when I got a reminder from myself to 'tryout for ball hockey' in which he snooped through my phone and saw that. He continued on with lecturing me about how 'girls shouldn't play sports'.

I hear him sigh loudly and then walk away because of the fact that I didn't reply. I finally finished my work and let out a yawn. I bet I looked like a yawning raccoon doing that. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It startled me, making me fall off the chair, but that's totally beside the point. Not many people come to our house often, so I wonder who it is. 

I go downstairs and see this lady with a jet black hair that goes just below her shoulders. 

There is also a man with hair like Armaan, dark brown. Behind both of them, there was standing the devil himself. 


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