Chapter 1: The Sad Truth

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I was once a any other living being, that fateful night marked something more than just ghost stories. Mayu Suzumoto, a classmate and close friend of mine was tranferring to a new school. Though, I was with didn't make up the fact, that I probably wouldn't see her again. Another classmate, Ayumi Shinozaki or aka the Class Rep had decided that we should participate in this act called "Sachiko ever after" as something to cheer Mayu up. We were also accompanied by our other classmates, Satoshi Mochida, Yoshiki Kishinuma, Seiko Shinohara and Naomi Nakashima. At first, this whole celebration and charm seemed innocent, but we were wrong...two other particpants were damned by this charm as well. Yuka Mochida, Satoshi's younger sister and Yui Shishido, our home room all seemed sudden...

next thing, I had awoke in a dark area, that looked like a school of some sort...It had looked old, wrecked and full of despair. How could this be, nothing made sense at all, what exactly was this place...? After getting to my feet, I had decided to search for Mayu. Sadly, I came across many corpses....but how could they be real...? They seemed so fake, but the smell made a difference...they were real...I continued my search for quite sometime, but as time went by. I felt like my grasp of humanity was slipping...none of this makes any fucking sense...Mayu could be in danger for all I know...I need to find her.

I hopelessly looked around, but only found more and more corpses around this awful a morgue...examining these once living people helped me keep my sanity, but I knew deep down inside...I was losing my mind from how fucked up this place is...I started to take photos of these dead bodies with my sick as it may sound, I had to try to stay sane...I didn't want to harm anybody...this wasn't like me...what is happening to me...?

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