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Ryder and the pups made it back to the lookout and Chase was already pumped up and ready to train for the fight. "Okay Chase. We're going to help you train. But first, let's eat something." said Ryder as the other pups howled of excitement, especially Rubble. Chase was fine with eating, but he really wanted to train so he can finally put an end to the problem that Marshall created.

Ryder made all the pups some food and they ate it, rather quickly might I add. When they all finished, Chase went outside and started doing some push-ups. Ryder and the pups realized t
what Chase was trying to say, he's ready to train.  "Ok Chase. Are you ready?" said Ryder. "Born ready." said Chase. "Then let's do this!" said Ryder as the pups howled.

Meanwhile, Marshall was training on top of the tallest building in Adventure Bay. He was punching bags, kicking boards, doing push-ups and sit-ups. He was training hard for this, because he wants to kill his former best friend. "Time to end this Chase!" said Marshall.

Paw Patrol: Friendship or Betrayal IIWhere stories live. Discover now