New Beginnings

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"Woah, it's no where near as big as you said it was."

"Well it's only the two of us, I figure we don't need much room." Mum brings in another box and stacks it on top of the heaped pile of them already taking up the lounge room.

"So... I assume you've already found out everything about the place?" You know me so well mother.

"Yep. Did you know that last year twenty seven of the sixty eight year twelves graduated with an OP of 1-4?" Seriously, that's pretty bloody good. "And that the school has a swimming pool? It used to have a great swim team, went to nationals every year but their funding fell through."

"No. I didn't." Ofcourse she didn't.

"So I'm thinking we'll just unpack the necessities for now until furniture arrives, that okay with you?"

"Yep." Mum walks back out to get the last box of stuff. I sigh, wiping the sweat off of my forehead and walk form the loungeroom to head upstairs.

On the left is the first door, which I open to reveal a linen cupboard. The second door is a bathroom, the third the master bedroom. A fourth door is locked, so i give up on trying to open it. Across the hall is a second door. A toilet room. And the final one upstairs, must be a bedroom, is across from the linen cupboard. I push the door open and cough, attempting to get rid of the dust has flown up my nostrils and into my sinuses. A sneeze later I'm able to take the room in.

The second bedroom is simple, wit a built in wardrobe, left door a mirror, one window and one fan, the walls a faded light blue colour. And the other significant thing is how dusty it is. The master bedroom wasn't this dusty. It wasn't even close.



"Are you upstairs?"

"Yes!" My mums voice sounds alot louder and clearer, which is a conundrum easily solved when u peer out of the door. She's doing exactly what I had been doing, opening doors.

"Pick your bedroom and we'll get started so that we can put an air mattress up."

"Ummm. It's only got two rooms, and one of those is yours. What's to pick?"

"Well, the people that lived here before us had a huge attic, apparently their daughter about your age used to sleep up there." Mum walks over to the locked door and pulls a key from nowhere, slipping it into the gap. It clicks and the door swings open, revealing a set of small stairs which lead to a higher floor with a hand rail.


"I know right? It looks like a comfortable place to sleep." The attic is pretty much empty, apart from a few scraggly posters, a cardboard box and a barbie doll.

"I'll take it."

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