That Incredibly Infuriating Girl.

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For some unknown reason I have no idea what to do right now. I've only ever really felt this feeling twice before.

Once, when mum made Elspeth and I be a part of her wedding, and the other time when Lacey first disappeared.

The first time I was angry. Who did she think she was? Waltzing back into our lives like she never left, making us participate in an activity we didn't want to be a part of and criticising the way in which Dad was bringing us up.

She had absolutely no right to question Dad's capabilities as a parent. None! And when my dad brought the matter up, she waved it off, and filed a complaint to the Child Protection Services and the police.

Dad got fired from his job. Uncle Ernie couldn't stay at our house anymore because mum and I quote, complained that 'he's doing no good for my children, a bad influence'.

And me? Well... Elspeth and I had cops trailing us every afternoon to make sure we weren't 'taking a leaf from our father's book'. It was the second most horrendous time of my life.

The first? Well... Lets just say it had to do with the most amazing person I've ever met disappearing. On my birthday. Lacey's disappearance/ abduction/whatever was hard on everyone. Not a single person in this town had anything bad to say about her.

Sure, her parents had altercations occasionally with people that wanted to throw their opinions out there,

-mainly about the fact that they let their daughter date a 'hoodlum' like me- but nothing serious. Matt was a good kid. Yeah he went through a few rough patches, but Matthew Creek was just like his sister. Charasmatic, oddly charming and absolutely excoeriobal at everything they do. Did. Whatever.

But apart from Peter and Megan, I was affected the most. Sure her friends were aswell, but they didn't know her like I did. Like I wish I still did. Lacey and I kept no secrets. After a while she figured out which house I lived in, but there was no judgement. She was more horrified that I felt embarrassed enough to not tell people.

My dad loved her, Elspeth liked er and Uncle Ernie- one night after he had a few two many beers- told me that if he were my age and if Lacey were available, he'd do anything in his power to get her. I was so proud to have anything to do with such a person, let alone be their romantic partner.

And then she left. It was like my world slowly crumbled down, like the hole in the ozone layer suddenly burst, like the seams of a shirt that doesn't gift anymore. I was a wreck. At first my friends and family comforted me. People gave me sympathetic looks and were exceptionally nice to me. And I hated it. I didn't want sympathy, I wanted my girl back.

And that brings us to now. There are three things on my mind. The first thing is mum, she hasn't really contacted us for a while, but I know it's only a matter of time before she does. I can sense it. The second thing is Evie-Jane. How angry she makes me feel, how positively infuriating she is. But I like it. And that's what scares me.

I know I've only known her for what, a month? It feels like longer than that. Once I got passed the initial 'this chick is different, I'll get to know her' stage, I realised how positively stupid it is of me. She drives me crazy! But yet, I can't help shake the feeling that either way we'll get to know each other more.

And then there's the final thing. My birthday. Never kind the fact I'm turning seventeen and getting a car, it's the day before that that spooks me. The day Lace went missing.


"You're so rude!" She squawks at me.

"Me? I'm not the one who can't shut up and keep my big headed opinion to myself!"

"Oh yeah? Well I'm not the one that got a girl two weeks worth of detention am I?" I smirk at her, how hilarious.

"Oi! Cut it out you two!" The teacher in charge of running out after school detention bellows from across the room.

"Yeah? Well you're the one that constantly feels the need to belittle others! How much more of a brat could you be?"

"Ohhhh belittle, big word! Mr Stupid just got a teensy bit smarter! I'm not the one that needs to be a jerk 24/7 and can't leave a poor and innocent girl alone!"

"Right! That's another two days worth!" The teacher bellows and starts to write out our slips. Eh. I have nothing better to do.

When detention is over Evie gives me a purely venomous look and stalks up to the teachers desk for the pass. Se slams the door as loud as she can when leaving the room, indicating she's just as frustrated as I am. Not. I'm nowhere near as bad as her.

I slam the door as well and stuff my things into my bag. I've missed the stupid bus because of this now. Great.

On the opposite side of the road I see Evie walking towards her house, an angry look on her face.

"Oi Evie-Jane!" I yell. She whips her head to the side, sees me and picks up a rock and pegs it at me.

"Leave me alone asshole!"

I smirk at her and sigh.



Ooohhhhh! Tension! Who knows what could've happened?

So this was sort of a filler I guess, not really too much action or drama, although there was a good but of depressing Elliot time in the beginning.

What did you all think? Please vote, and please do comment what you think, it'd be appreciated alot.

Also if you spot any typos... Comment and I'll fix them up!

Love you all

~ Maia

ps- my new story is up! It's called The Perfect Pair, and is inspired by one of my best friend's relationships. Sadly, that relationship didn't end too well, but it isn't an exact replica so... Anyways! I'd be so incredibly grateful if you guys were to check it out! So far there's been no votes or comments but it's only been up for like, four hours so I'm dedication chapter three to whoever's first!

Love you all (again)

~ Maia

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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