Start of a new beginning

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A friend is someone who is always there for you through the good and bad to make you smile and laugh. This is a story about what three friends want their life to be like, all may not be true but it is good to use your imagination sometimes it just makes a life I little bit more adventurous. first let's start with the girls, first up Lauren parker, she is fighting the demons with her brother whos fighting cancer and every night she wonders why life is so cruel to her brother she may not hang out with him every second of the day but she still loves him dearly. Next is Jada Nordin she is the silliest girl she can make you laugh so hard that you will piss your pants crying lol she is a person who is always there when you need her so will drive 1,000 miles just to make sure you are okay just give her a call and she will be there in lightning speed she may seem like she is the happiest girl you will meet but like Lauren, she is fighting her own demons too she just puts on a smile just to make you smile back. last but not least is me you can say I'm a goofball I say some silly things that don't make seans but my friends will just laugh with me because if you have met me you would know that it is normal for me to act like this and I as well fighting my own demons with my sister who I can't help but will do anything for her, she is the light at the end of my tunnel so is the one is silly like me but way funnier if she sees you crying she will come and cuddle with you I just love that about her she is my world and everyone else I don know what I would do without her. One thing we all wish for is that our parents would all get along mostly it is my mom she just a little too protective of my wait let me rephrase that she is very protective of me she checks my phone every night who I text and call and who they are she has to be okay with the person she may not like them but she doesn't have too as long as they don't hurt me she is good with me texting this person. The one person she despises is my dad and I understand he has done this I will never forget along with my sisters, this is not the story to tell you about my past so if you want to know my past go read(My life a true story) now let get on with this story everyone has there ups and downs but for us three we are each other's ups .                  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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