Chapter 4

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We'd just pulled into the apartment parking garage, when the most disgusting smell started up again. I started gagging. "Damn it Salon! You smelly asshole! You could've held it," I told him as Cameron had his head hanging out the window.

"No! My stomach was already cramping," he groaned.

"Well why the hell did you eat Mexican food?! You know this always happens! And now my car smells like shit man," Cameron yelled. As soon as the car was parked and off, Cameron and myself threw the doors open and we jumped out. Coughing and gasping for air. Salon got out and his ass trumpet went off again.

"Dude you aren't coming in the apartment," I told him.

"Hey! I want to see my girlfriend," he growled out.

"And do what?! Gas her to death! Dude she is in a delicate position. No, no you stay out here," Cameron told him. We all started walking towards our door. Once there I looked back at Salon, who was waiting to see his girlfriend. He meant my eyes and smiled at me. Cameron and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Opening the door we all walked in.

"Thank God you boys are home and okay," Grandma Linda said hugging us all. "Dear lord! Who smells like they're shitting their pants?!" she gagged as she pulled away from Salon.

"Salon," was all I said. Grandma Linda looked like she was about to hurl everywhere.

"Boy what the hell?! You aren't coming in here smelling like you crawled thru shit. Not happening. Like at all. Poor Mickie will die," she told him. Salon just stood there with his mouth hanging open. "What did you eat boy?!" Grandma Linda asked.

"Mexican food," he muttered. Shaking her head, Linda just walked away. Cameron was just laughing his ass off as Salon stood there with his head hanging. Mickie came out into the living room.

"Oh thank God you're back and okay guys," she said as she walked over to me, giving me huge hug. I returned the hug, happy that she finally believes that her best friend isn't the person she thought she became. Then she went over to Cameron giving him a hug. He also returned her hug.

"I wouldn't go over by your boyfriend if I were you. He ate Mexican food," Cameron warned her. She turned her head, wrinkling her nose.

"Damn Salon. You know better," she whined. She didn't move towards him at first but then ran over into his arms. "Lucky I love your smelly ass," she muttered.

"Someone has to," Grandma Linda yelled out. We all burst into laughter.

"Grandma, come on. That's not nice. I'm your favorite grandchild," Salon yelled.

"Actually your sisters are sweetie. Your brother and you come in second," she said.

"What the hell Grandma?!" Salon yelled. We laughed at him. God I love that woman. She is a riot.

"Oh hush. Now go wash your smelly self and get ready for dinner," she told him in a sarcastic tone. Salon just sighed while everyone chuckled at him. Got to love Grandma Linda. She just tells you straight up what she thinks and how she feels.

After dinner James and I sat in our living room as everyone has taken off. Scared that we'll be to late in finding Kendra. Her being gone like this just doesn't feel like reality. It's something I can't except.

"Babe, we'll find her. I promise," James said as he pulled me close to him.

"I know but in what condition is what I'm afraid of," I told him as sighed hard.

"Yeah, I'm scared of that to," James muttered. We decided to head to bed. Though sleeping doesn't come easy to either one of us. This is just wearing us down and we're not sure what to do. We both feel lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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