Living With Seven Sisters

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This is my first attempt in writing. Please feel free to tell me the mistakes I have made. I'm seriously bad at grammar so feel free to point out where I'm wrong so I could improve for the better. 

If the story have many negative comments, it will be deleted. Please tell me if I should continue. 

The Book Cover is By starsglintingabove. =)

Current Summary:

I am Aaron Topaz, the captain of the football team. I am the best football player in my country and I am the top scorer of the school. I'm good at sports, studies and everything else except anything that is related to girls. You see, I have a Girl Phobia from living with seven sisters.

Chapter 1:

Guess what? I, Aaron Topaz, have an odd and weird family. I have seven sisters and they are DEFINITELY not normal from my point of view.

"Get out of the bathroom now!" I heard my sisters shouting from above, knocking on the bathroom door loudly.

The neighbours are going to complain again...

I sighed and sat down at the dining table placed in the living room. Even though I have a big family, my house was just an average house, that was not meant to fit so many people, but my parents insisted on having this house.

I had my own room though. There were a total of four rooms in the house, two at the first floor and two at the second. One was my parents', one was mine and the rest was split among my seven sisters.

However, my oldest sister, Apple, was now married so she moved out of the house. She was the most independent among us but was also the craziest. She could bring in a tornado and leave without any notice, giving us the many, many, many, many, (I don't even know how many there were) troubles and damages for us to take care of. There was once when she threw a party when everyone was away from home. We were horrified the moment we stepped into the house. Everything was upside-down. People were lying around, unconscious,

So, the rest were to split the rooms among themselves. Three to each room. Sometimes, Crystal, my youngest sister, would sleep with me in my room. She was the cutest sister I have ever had and my favourite. Unlike the other six sisters, she was the most normal.

In fact, Crystal was not crazy at all. She was sweet and caring, always listening to and talking to me. She used to carry the teddy bear I gave her around until she grew up. She stopped carrying it but it was on her bed where she would sleep with it every night.

Early in the morning, everyone would line up in front of the bathroom and wait for our turn to come. Today was no exception. But I wanted to prepare for school earlier than them so I did not need to go through the horror of lining up with them. I used to wait in line with them and sometimes, when I could not hold my bladder anymore, I would run to the backyard and relieve myself. When I was not-so lucky, I would pee on my pants. No one saw it though. Sometimes, they would start a morning war such as what was happening now. I believed that one of my sisters had just come out of the bathroom and the rest were fighting to get into the bathroom first, ignoring the all order.

"Good morning, brother," Crystal greeted me with a smile as she walked down the stairs in her neat checkered blue shirt and a black vest. She wore it with blue jeans.

"Have you used the toilet?" I asked. She nodded and grinned. She pulled a chair beside me as my mum put both our breakfasts in front of us. It was pancakes. Crystal poured the syrup onto it and I just ate mine plain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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