Chapter 4

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Sorry it's been so long since I updated just had writers block and been super busy, enjoy and comment what you thought and please vote xx

I wonder if anyone opens there eyes and wake up at the same time or do we all wake up before we open our eyes. These are the sort of things that I think about in the mornings. It's hot the back of my neck is sticky; I kick the covers off my body and lay there for a bit letting the morning light soak into my skin. I sit up and swing my legs over placing them on the cold wooden floor, a shiver runs up my body ( damn I just shaved my legs)

I stand up a slight wave of dizziness rushes over me. After a few seconds the dizziness is gone.

I walk to the bathroom trying to be as quiet as possible. In the mirror I saw my face but not the face of me. It was dull and pale, my lips red and dry, my eyes glassy and sleepy , lines of laughter beginning to form , and a few spots. It was one of my many morning faces this one was one of the good ones.

I wash my face and go back to my room to get changed.

Unfortunately our school was fairly strict with uniforms and how we present ourselves all to stop bullying and make everyone the same ( bullying still occurred no matter how alike we are dressed you can't stop bullying not entirely) I put on our sports uniform as it was the theatre sports day today and to support our faction we had o wear our coloured shirts, mine was Orange for Nobel, but there was Blue for Lance, Green for Sansa and White for Eyrey . There pretty stupid names and no one knows what they truly mean.

After I am dressed in my sport uniform I go to the kitchen for breakfast, cornflakes honey and banana. After breakfast I do all that needs to be done in the mornings.

My mum calls out from the lounge room telling me that it's time to leave for school. I grab my bag and head for the door hugging and saying I love you to my mum.

I walk down my driveway to Caleb. He leans on the lamp looking down at his phone scrolling through some social media app. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Hey" he says turning off his phone as he walks towards me.

"Hiya" I say returning a smile

" so...." He lingers

" will you help me talk to Karen ?" He asks

" why?" I say

" because I'm shy" he smiles

" ha! No you can do this by yourself"

" urg" he moans

The rest of the trip to the bus is spent talking about the fair and summer holidays.

When we get to the bus stop and all the way to school is spent in silence mainly because we are all tired.

Arriving at school is crazy everyone is rushing around trying to find their friends, boyfriends or girlfriends.

Caleb ,Piper and I walk past several make out sessions between couples. Piper makes a vomiting action when she walks past Caleb and I ignore it. As I approach my locker I see a figure standing in front of my locker. It's Aaron I walk to my locker cautiously.

" hey" he smiles

"Hi" I say I notice that my voice sounds like I was questioning him

I shake it off and focus on something else.

" I forgot to give your pencil back yesterday " he says handing me my pencil back.

" thanks you do know could have kept it .... It s just a pencil" I smile

" I know but then I wouldn't have a reason to talk to you" he says

" haha" I laugh

Just before it gets awkward Bonnie jumps beside me

" hey sweet " she says as she pulls me into a hug

"Hey" I say accepting the hug

" I better go " he smiles

" ok see Ya " I say he gives me a quick smile before he turns to walk away.

I feel like I've been holding my breath the whole entire time, I breathe out slowly.

" what was that about ?" Bonnie questions

" he was returning my pencil...... I think " I say

I feel faint and my legs are like jelly

" Em don't go there he is bad news" she says grasping my shoulders

" he started it " i say sounding like a little girl in trouble for fighting with her siblings.

" then you need to finish it, distance yourself from him " she says now shaking my shoulders

" I'll try " I say glancing past her head. My eyes rest on Aaron, he stand across the hall with his friends.

" promise" she says sternly

" promise" I say forcing my eyes to focus into her

She lets go and walk off I walk a few step behind her

But of course I lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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