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As I got in the car I saw Anthony, Connor, Joey and Ian in the door opening. I sighed.

"Kalel! Come on!" she said. "let's have a fun night together with movies, food....." she kept talking, but I could only see the boys. They're doing their work, and I ruin it. They don't deserve it.

"Okay? Let's go." Melanie started to drive. And the house faded away.

"Mel I feel so guilty for them..."

"Don't be! Siriously, they lock you up in you room, don't let you do a fun thing!"

It was silent. As we arrived at the skate park, we got out of the car.

"Mel! I can't skate!"

"Ofcourse!" she took my wrist and pulled me inside the small building, behind that there were different parts where you could skate. As we put on our skates, Melanie told just random things I didn't even hear.

"Come on." she giggled and we started inside where no one was. We skated for a half hour.

"Melanie!" I skated behind her. "did you hire this thing?"

"Maybe?" she laughed as she fell. I helped her up but fell too.

"Well well..." his voice sounded trough the halls. "Look who we have here."

"Melanie.. It's Brandon... Hide..." she hid behind a counter thing and I stood up.

"Brandon.. What are you doing here?"

"Taking back what got away.." He moved closer.

"You won't get it.." I skated as quick as possible to the other side.

"Why so mean to your boyfriend?" A smirk appeared on his face.

"Boyfriend?" I looked down to my skates.

"Are you alone here?"

"Yes.." I lied.

"Good..." He grinned and Angela walked inside.

Brandon stood there, Angela next to him, ready to fight.

"What do you want?" I asked them.

"You.." Angela's annoying voice said.

Shit... I had to do something.

"You'll need to fight then.." it slipped out of my mouth. Why did I say that? I don't know what my powers are, or how to control them.

"Brandon, you can take this.." she walked away. And I heard Melanie whispering. She called the boys.

{Joey's POV}

My phone rang. Melanie it said on the screen. I picked up my phone and put it on speaker. A small circle formed around my phone.

"Joey?" I heard Melanie whispering.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Why are you whispering?" Ian sounded worried.

"Kalel is..." she paused and I heard something in the back. She kept silent to let us hear it.

"What do you want?" I heard in the background.


"You'll need to fight then.." Kalel said, she was scared though. I looked up and everyone looked shocked.

"Brandon, you can take this.." I heard Angela.

"Where are you Melanie?" Connor talked to the phone.

It stayed silent, we could hear sounds of a fight.

"Melanie! Where are you!" Connor paced around.

"Skate park, come quick!"

"Bu-" "beep beep beep beep beep.."

Melanie hung up. As I ran towards the car I searched for the skate park on my phone, and drove with Anthony, who was silent for the entire time. Connor sat next to me, Ian next to Anthony.

"Are you okay man?" Ian said to Anthony.

I looked in my mirror. He nodded.

We ran out of the car, seeing light flashes.

I saw Connor heating up, fire.

Anthony was from water.

Ian air.

And I ground.

But Kalel, could master almost everything.

We ran inside, seeing both Kalel and Melanie tied up with vines.

I snapped my fingers and they were free. Brandon had powers too?

All of a sudden Melanie pushed me away, and when I looked up, she was on top of me, I saw a hole, just where I stood a few seconds ago.

The battle was on..

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