
94 2 10

1. No stripping job.
2. No really depressing life to the point of suicide.
3. No cutting.
4. Please play my crush.
5. No spamming me.
6. If you don't fill out form correctly I will delete it.
7. Please don't yell at me if I accidently spell something wrong.
8. Smut and lemon ok.
9. Swearing is ok.
10. No rape.
11. When you and person get together don't make it seem like they can never be together.
12. When I don't answer on form chapter don't continuously tag me
13. Don't interfere with other rps
15. Fill out form like this

Name: Marley
Age: 18
Looks: profile pic

Don't do this!

Profile pic

16. If you aren't desctive I won't accept you,
17. Play my crush I'll play yours, don't put a lot of drama, and don't desclude my girls
18. Don't tag me just say (hi) or something
19. Don't say (hi) within 30 minutes, do it after 1 or 2 hours
20. Don't tag or links
21: don't make the Rp all about yourself
22. No OP or gods. Have weaknesses, ask before killing a character and dont make it seem like your character will never get harmed or hurt

If you read this then the password is your favorite fandom currently

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