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Ted pov:

     I wake up to my mom fucking pounding on my door yelling at me to get up. "IM UP YOU DON'T HAVE TO BANG ON MY DOOR!" I swear if school doesn't kill me today she will. I get up and realize I have 15 minutes to get ready so that fucking perfect. So much for waking me up for school mom. I rush to my closet and just put on a navy green sweatshirt and some ripped black jeans and my high top vans. Black of course. I book it down the stairs to the bathroom and quickly brush my hair and teeth. Honestly I look like shit, but I don't have to impress anyone so who cares. I shove my shit in my backpack and start booking it for school. Why I had to live so far away from school I don't know, but right now its super fucking annoying. 

    Lucky I make it time to make it to my first period, Pre-calculus. This is my only honors class and of course it had to be the first class of junior year. Junior year. I don't know why people make such a big deal about this year, Its just like any other year, "but we only have one more year of high school left" who cares! After this we still have years of other bullshit classes to go through what's so different. I was so in my head about it I didn't even notice Paul was sitting right next to me. "Hey Ted." Paul has been my bestfriend since freshman year. He's on the bland side, but honestly I don't mind all that matters is he's been there for me when I needed him and is only of the only people that puts up with my bullshit. "Sup Shithead." Hey just cause he's my bestfriend doesn't mean I can't mess with him.

    Paul and I started a conversation about some of our classes and mid-conversation the bell rings. Paul and I look at the desk and realize the teacher isn't even in the class. I look over at him and we both just shrug and kept going on with our conversation. "So when are going to propose to Emma cause I'm willing to help ya bro." Paul has been crushing on Emma for so long. "Ha ha very funny Ted she only sees me as a friend, is this gonna go on all year?" "I've done it for the past two years its bold of you too assume I wouldn't do it." He shook his head as I laughed. "What about your thing with Charlotte?" "Dude can you not ruin my day right at the begging? She got back together with that fucking dickhead Sam. She always says she won't and then does it anyway. I don't care tho there's plenty of babes and a whole new year in front of me." Paul just laughed and went on his phone. So many possible babes and he falls for a shorty with a temper, what's he thinking. I can get over Char easily she's done this before at this point I'm kind of numb to it. And what I said was right, plenty of possible babes. But you don't want them you want He-no babes that's all I want, some hot chicks. I decide to distract myself going on twitter and Instagram. 

    About 5 more minutes pass and the teacher finally arrives. He looks real jumpy, must be new to the whole teacher thing. What he just say his name was? Whatever I will just learn it later, anyway it doesn't matter the first few days of the year are all about "meeting your classmates and getting comfortable" yeah right. I know most of the people in my year anyway, I mean I've been stuck with them since freshman year. Doesn't mean I talk to them, but I know the essentials. The class goes by pretty quick even tho its almost a two hour class. It's nutrition now and I just realized I forgot to have breakfast so now Im starving, great. This is gonna be a long day I can already tell. 

     Nutrition goes by like a flash and I didn't even get to see Bill or Char. I actually don't mind not seeing her right now. My next class is Physics yay. Its gonna take all my power not to fall asleep in that class. I don't even have any friends in it so it looks like I'm gonna be doing a lot of day dreaming. Right when I walk in I actually recognize someone. Sam. Of course I had to have this class with that fucking piece of shit. He always cheats on Char and yet she always goes running back to him. You don't care about that tho all you want is H-god damnit I need to keep my thought in check. I slump in a chair in the back waiting for this fucking boring class to be over. I just put in my earbuds and hood and start listening to music. The first song starts and I realize its Beautiful from Heathers and I quickly skip it. Shit, I forgot to change what playlist I was on. Yeah I like musicals you got a problem with asshole? I just change it to some Weezer, Say It Ain't So starts playing and I just let my mind go to static. I can't really help it I really get into music, it really helps when you don't wanna be where you are.

    Thanks to the music the class goes by at a normal rate. Next is lunch, thank god. I put my pencil back in my backpack, I didn't even realize I took it out. The bell finally rings and I feel like I just got released from prison. I run into Bill in the hallway while we walk over to the cafeteria. Bill is another one of my friends, I've known him since freshman just like Paul, but I'm not really as close to him as Paul. Don't get me wrong tho he's really nice and actually is a good person. Im surprised he's friends with me, specially with how much of a dick I am but hey I don't mind. We talk about our day so far and enter the cafeteria. I can't wait for lunch.

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