Alone Together

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They sat there. His back to her with her trying to come up with something to say. Something to comfort him. He turned to her then and their eyes locked. The air became charged.
His eyes became too much for her so she lowered her gaze to her hands.
He said her name softly. So softly, it was as if he hadn't. He reached out his hand and tilted her head so she would look at him again. His eyes were so expressive and filled with sadness but also with something else she could not recognize.
He said her name again and this time when she looked at him, all traces of sadness were gone. She knew as he leaned closer exactly what his eyes were filled with. Lust. Her heart skipped a beat and his lips were suddenly pressed to hers. She gasped, her eyes widened, then fluttered shut. She'd never been kissed before. His hands cupped her face, holding her in place. Her mind was trying to make sense of what was happening.
Gently, she place her hand on his chest and gave a small push. He broke the kiss then kissed her briefly again before putting his forehead to hers. Their pounding hearts, and rapid breathing broke the silence.

Author Note: Please let me know if I screwed up the grammar. English isn't my first language so I'm sure I messed up here and there. I hope you enjoyed this small snippet. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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