Chapter 2

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"ugh, what happened?"

One day, Josh woke up to a small wooden house where it was being lit only by a candle, which he was being strapped to some kind of bed with acupuncture needles around him as he tried to search around him.

"the hell happened to me?"

He tried to move but just couldn't, not because of just the rope tying him, but also of the acupuncture needles.

"damn it, not again!"

It was also then that there were persons coming in from the door

"ah, hes awake."

"yes, thank you so very much for helping me on this."

Josh heard and knew that voice

"damn it! Untie me and get me out of here!" josh

"no can do josh. You have to be properly exorcised, even if it means keeping you here."

"wait, is that--"

"yes its me, wen. I have come to finally exorcise you josh."

"tch! Get me the hell out of here!" josh

"this is borge, my new best friend and the one who will help me exorcise you."

"nice knowing you josh, I have heard about your suffering and has come to exorcise you along with wen here."

"did you know, that he is the local shaman around here?"

"shaman? Hah! The one who does this kind of thing are witch doctors!" josh

"how would you even know josh? You--" wen

"i have already been done by one, not that I could ever remember, but I have already been done." josh

"what proof do you have?" borge

"your all belittling me, are you?" josh

"no. We are listening to your problems before we could ever get to the bottom of how to exorcise you josh."

"neither of you can ever help me, and thats final!" josh

"oh this is really severe wen"


"shut up! You just didn't know that I embarrassed him in front of many people while trying to exorcise me, saying that--"

"you shut up demon!" wen said as he splashed holy water towards josh

As much as he splashed holy water at josh, it didn't do anything to him but make him wet.

"what exactly did he do to you wen?"

"nothing much, just the demon inside of him trying to embarass me." wen

"demon! Come forth!" josh said

"what is it?" the demon said as only the shaman and he could see

"you said that that was only going to give him a little shock or something!"
"sorry, my bad. I guess he had his pride too high. Well then, got places to go. See ya!" the demon then disappeared

"what the hell was that josh?" borge

"that was a demon I just summoned. And even if I would tell you my story, wen would just interpret it as something for exorcism."

"well, I have to find out what is the cause of it right?" wen

"anyways, can I trust you on this wen?" borge

"yes you can, I may not be a priest but I can definitely pay you for this help."

"alright then, let us start."

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