Bobble Morris x Duba

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School ends, all the students rush out. Mr.Morris peers into the door frame of Mr.Duba's classroom
"well, i'm leaving, if you need anything ask Bobble Morris, he'll be working late tonight on a video"
"Thanks Morris" Duba replied.

Duba continues to type up his presentation for tomorrow's classes
"hmm, right to privacy, i don't know this one"
he leaves his room and walks into Mr. Morris'.
"Hey! BM! i had a question"
"Oh, David, hello, what is it"
"yeah, so what supreme court case gave americans the right to privacy?"
"roe v wade, of course"
"Thanks bobble morris!"
Duba begins to walk out
"oh, just call me bobble, david"
"yeah? alright... bobble" duba replied
Duba starts to walk back into the room
"actually, there's another thing i wanted to ask you"
"what is it?"
"so... i was asked to chaperone prom night..."
"is that so" Bobble Morris cut him off
"y-yeah, and i was wondering if you maybe..."
"wanted to come as my date? it's totally fine if you don't"
"David, you know i have a lot of work to finish" Bobble Morris started
"i-it's alright, i'm sorry" Duba staid as he rushed out.

Duba went home and cried, he regretted asking BM to the prom. He knew it was foolish.

At the night of prom, Duba entered the crowded floor empty handed.
he looks across the floor and sees a certain man starring straight at him.
the man walks up to Duba
"May i have this dance?" the man asks
"L-Lemaster! of course you can"
The men slow danced to the acoustic version of "Bust down Thotiana"

At this point in the night, Bobble Morris was trying to sleep. he was tossing and turning, unable to catch a wink.
his mind was plagued by thoughts of Duba. He had to do something.
Bobble Morris dressed in his fanciest suit and drove to where prom was being held.

Just then, Sicko Mode started playing.
"this is my moment, i need to ask Duba for a dance"

BM walks on the floor and sees such a heart breaking sight.

Duba and Lemaster dancing

Duba and Lemaster were laughing and talking. Duba turns his head and sees BM.
"oh no" he says to himself
"oh crap, sorry duba, i need to go home, my wife is calling-"
duba turns back
"your WHAT?"
"sorry mate, this was fun and all..."
Lemaster walks away

BM is running from the hall, ashamed of what a fool he was

Duba chases after BM
"I don't want to hear it, David!"
"It's not like that"
"I don't care David"
Duba pauses, he stands still
"i-i thought you were too busy, that you didn't think of me that way"
BM stops walking
"David, it's always been you. you've always been the one i loved. no matter how busy i am, you're always more important"
"that's a lil fast, man. i mean, love? we haven't even h*ld h*nds yet" duba replied
"i don't care, i'm into you"
and they do the kissy kissy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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