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Hayley's POV***

I laid there, staring at the blood I had only just coughed up, mixed with the blood pouring from my wrist. I'm on the bathroom floor, emotionless. Maybe I'm feeling something, I don't know if I am, if I'm about to die then it'll all be over and the pain will finally end but I'm leaving him behind, the one who's cared for me the most and the only source to me ever getting better.

A moment passes and I feel my eyes closing, I feel a deep sleep coming, and I take my last look at life, at least what I wanted it to be anyway. Within the last moments I was awake, my last thought was his lips against mine, his hand gripping my hair and his stare into my eyes. I love him.

Alex's POV***

"Have a nice day" I mentioned to the cashier which I just purchased flowers from, white and red roses. Hayley's favourite. I drove the car back home thinking about her, she's probably painting or doing something aesthetic and useful, like normal.

I pushed open the door, her shoes are beside the coffee table in the small living room, like they always are. I was trying to walk down the hallway and up the stairs quietly so I could surprise her with the flowers and see her cute face light up, she thinks so badly of herself it's sad. I believe she's the most beautiful girl on the planet, I'm always lost in thoughts about her. She's extraordinary.

I opened the bathroom door.. and she laid there. My stomach dropped down to hell, I couldn't process it, i immediately dropped myself to her body and tried to awake her, shaking her rapidly and shouting at her begging her not to leave me, smearing her blood all over my arms and face. My tears fell onto her soft, pale face. It's hitting me, shooting me even, right in the heart. Why did she do this? Why would she try to leave me like this? She didn't even say goodbye. I don't know what to think, all I know is pain.
"Don't you dare give up on me" I whisper into her ear.

The paramedics arrive almost 5 minutes after I had called them, although it felt like hours. They rapidly rushed her the hospital and I stayed with her the whole way. Is this my fault? I thought, I didn't notice that anything was wrong. At this moment, I truly wished I didn't love her. It hurt too much.

I wasn't with her when she woke up, I wasn't allowed to be. I had to give her an hour or so to process before she could see me, which made it even worse for me, and I know she'd want to see me as soon as she could so it's pointless.

When I was allowed to go in, I ran. I hugged her, cried in her hair.
"What did you do, Hayls" I said soothly in her ear, but couldn't help still feeling a little angry and disappointed.
"I-I'm sorry, really. I don't know what I was thinking, all I know I was hurting and I couldn't fucking breathe or even think, it seemed like the obvious thing to do. But I regret it, I promise. The thought of leaving you terrifies me"

For a split second • Alex Gaskarth • Hayley Williams • fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now