Chapter 4

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''Auntie, Jade is here!'' I shouted when I opened the door and put my backpack on the floor. ''I'm in the kitchen.'' We entered the kitchen and my auntie was cooking dinner. ''Hey sweethearts, how was your day?'' She asked us smiling. ''Woke up late today'' Jade said sitting on the chair. I grabbed two bottles of coca cola can and gave one to her. ''We're going upstairs.''

 ''Jade do you like Cameron in anyway?'' I asked her all of a sudden when we entered my room. ''You know I don't like the guy. Why?'' She said flipping the pages of the magazine she was reading that was on my bed. ''Just asking because we're going out.'' I said turning on my laptop. ''I wish someone ask me out. I'm forever alone.'' She said looking at me and doing the sad face. ''The time will come babe. Have some little faith.'' I said padding on her back.

''Are you going to have sex with him?'' She asked. ''What?! No Jade. Its our first date.'' I told her getting up from the bed and looking at her like she's crazy. ''I had sex on the first date.'' She said like nothing had happened. ''Not everyone is like you Jade.'' And she laughed. ''Do you want to make a video with me?'' I asked her arranging my camera in-front of the window. ''Yeah'' she said getting up from the bed.

My phone went off indicating that I have a message. It was kik and my mind went immediately on Luke.

''What's up?''

Ava: I'm home and I'm going to film a video with my friend.''

Luke: You're on YouTube? :D

Ava: Yeah.

Luke: Name?

Ava: Ava-is-fab

Luke: What a user-name ha-ha xD

Ava: Shut up xD I was young.

Luke: Sure sure ;)

Ava: Talk later.

Luke: Missing you already :( We have to talk longer...

And at that moment my heart did a back-flip and couldn't stop beating fast.

Ava: Promise! :)

After I was filming another video for my viewers, Jade and I made some popcorn and decided to watch ''The Fault In Our Stars ' together. One hour later on the bed cuddling with Jade and with my pillow; crying our hearts out she was going to say something but I stopped her. ''Shh... Gus is about to die in any second.'' and in that moment Hazel Grace said -

Augustus Waters died eight days later after his pre-funeral, at Memorial, in the ICU, when his cancer stopped his heart.

I recovered from the movie probably one hour and half minutes after, because when I think about the movie I start crying again. Jade went home after the movie had finished and I went to take a shower. When my phone vibrated was really happy that maybe Luke had messaged me again but it was a text from Cameron. I am excited to go on this date with him though. I'm not going to lie, he is attractive.

''Are you free tomorrow night after school?''

''Yeah. Date tomorrow?''

''So it is a date huh? sure babe. Talk to you at school :-)''

''*blushing. Shut up Cam.''

''You know how to make me ;)''


The first bell rang, telling us we need to be in class. I had art, it wasn't an option to choose and let me tell you one thing: I'm really bad in drawing. I really don't like this lesson but I have to go. I am lucky that I am not alone because it will be hundred percent worse than it is now. Cameron is with me in this lesson but he is the opposite of me; he is better in drawing and usually I let him do my art homework.

The lesson went by really fast and part of me was glad that it did. Right now I have a free lesson so I made myself comfortable alone in the corner. Since I was free and had nothing to do I decided to send a message to Luke on kik.

Ava: Hey Luke. I'm at school but I have a free lesson :D what are you up to?

I thought he wasn't using his phone and won't text me back but surprisingly he did.

Luke: Hello! nothing really. Want to talk? :)

Ava: Yes please!

Luke: I'm excited! :D

Ava: You're such a kid sometimes.

Luke: Thanks babe. Hi-hi :)

Ava: Ask me something and I ask back?

Luke: Sure! Do you live alone?

Ava: No with my auntie. What about you?

Luke: Oh yeah I saw the video and not alone.

Ava: Music taste?

Luke: Pop rock. You?

Ava: Everything ha-ha :D You have a favourite song right now?

Luke: I don't think so at the moment. You?

Ava: A lot of my viewers told me to listen ''Amnesia''. It's amazing, can't stop listening to it.

Luke: Amnesia?!?

Ava: Yes. By 5 seconds of summer :-)

Luke: Do you know them?

Ava: No never saw the video actually. I should watch it now.

Luke: Um...

Ava: I should! I'm going to watch it :D You should listen to it, trust me <3

When I clicked on the video a bike came on the screen and then a guy riding it with a black backpack on his back and apparently chewing a gum in his mouth. His hair looked so soft and fluffy. It gives you the feel to touch it. Then he entered a garage, and two other guys were there also; one with black hair and the other one with green hair. Then a guy with his hair-flip showed up on the screen and his hair looked really soft as well. I couldn't see him very well because the sunlight was reflecting on the side of his face.

At this time the song started and the black hair guy started singing. They are four attractive guys and they sing like angels. I could listen to them all day. The song and the video continued and saw the hair flip guy looks very familiar. I kept watching the video very carefully with all the attention, until the guy came in the view once again. I paused the video on him and kept staring at him and his beautiful eyes...his eyes...and then it hit me.

Ava: Luke! is that you?!?

No respond.


I Met Him On Kik(L.H fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now