Chapter 1: Hogsmeade Desertion

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Hermione's POV

The cold snow drifted around Hermione Granger as she walked into the Hogsmeade square. It seemed like any other trip to the small town near the school she attended, but it wasn't.

Ron had his arms very closely linked with his "girlfriend" Lavender Brown, to whom he had been attached at the lips nearly every time she had seen them, and Harry was daydreaming, watching Ginny walk down a path with Luna and Neville. She would be alone for this trip, just like the previous one... or two... three...

Hermione decided to depart from the group and go into the Hog's Head where she could find a peaceful and quiet place to read the book she had received from her parents.

With a quick word to Harry and Ron, who didn't seem to notice, she walked towards the old pub. When she arrived she ordered a bottle of butterbeer and sat at a table near a frosty window.

The book she read told the story of a Greek muggle and a camp that he attended with his friends, set in New York, a place in North America. The story was brilliantly written and Hermione hoped that they might have the next book at Flourish & Blotts.

She looked up from the deep green cover of the book to see that the barman was lighting the lanterns, and that the sun had already set. Startled at the time, she grabbed her items and shoved them in her bag while apologizing to the man for staying past closing time.

She ran out into the dimly lit street, book clutched in hand, and looked up at the sky to see if any stars had decided to come out. Not a single light broke through the dark clouds, though they promised more snow to come. Hermione had just looked down when she crashed into someone walking by, dropping her book.

"Merlin! I'm so sorry!" She said, "I wasn't looking at where I was going."

She looked up to see who she had run into, but all she could make out against the darkness was short, light blonde hair that reflected every bit of light. It seemed to be a boy, but he said nothing; simply picked up her book and handed it to her, before walking away. She stood there, watching as his shadow faded, then came to her senses and ran back to the castle.

Once Hermione had returned to the warm common room of the Gryffindor tower, many of the students had gone upstairs to their dormitories, all except for Harry, Ron, Ginny, and two sixth years snogging in the corner.

When her friends saw her, they stood, Ginny running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"Hermione where were you?!" She said. "We thought something had happened and were just about to talk to Professor McGonagall! You have to be more careful with You-Know-Who around."

Hermione hugged her friend back and said in return, "Sorry Gin, I lost track of time while I was reading in the Hog's Head."

She could see Ron and Harry behind her friend, arms crossed, with angry looks on their faces. "Next time tell us where you are going, Okay? We were worried." Harry says.

Hermione was taken aback at their attitude. She grew angry. Angry from all of the times when they had left her without telling her, when Harry and Ron had walked on without saying more than five words to her, all of the times they had gone off to watch other girls as if they were some kind of carnival attraction.

"Worried?! Tell you?!" she yelled. "I did tell you! But I guess you two were too distracted to notice me!" She stormed up to her dormitory, leaving the boys looking shocked.

"Hermione! Hermione!" Ginny yells. Hermione could hear her friend's footsteps as they ran closely behind her own.

"What?" She replies when she reaches her four-poster bed, collapsing on the soft covers.

"Why didn't you tell me they were doing that? I would have taken you with Luna, Neville and I."

"I suppose I was hopeful that they would notice and apologize." Hermione admitted.

Ginny walked over and put an arm over Hermione's shoulder. "I'll tell you what," she said. "Next Hogsmeade visit we are going to have the best time, just you and I. I'm sure Luna and Neville won't mind."

Hermione smiled, thankful for a friend. "Okay. That sounds fun."

Their conversation turned from Hogsmeade to other topics like the Twisted Sisters and Darren Criss, who was a very attractive seventh year Gryffindor.

They carried on until the dormitory had filled with many tired witches, who all agreed that they should stop talking so everyone could get some sleep. Hermione changed from her robes to soft cotton pajamas and pulled back the covers on her four-poster bed.

As she lay staring out the windows at the starry sky, her thoughts drifted to the boy she had seen at Hogsmeade. She didn't know a stranger in the school who would do something nice for her, even if it was just picking up her book for her. Most people just seemed to ignore an unpopular witch with a book obsession, but not this one. He could have walked on and not paid her any mind, or worse, scolded her for being careless, but he didn't. He was different.

Hermione's eyes drifted shut with the image of blonde hair in the front of her mind.

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