An Unexpected Alliance: A Star Wars One Shot

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"General, there's an incoming ship," Said Poe.
General Leia looked at the screen.
"Our scanners show that it is a First Order vessel." Said Kaydel.
"Is it Kylo Ren?" Asked Poe.
Rey couldn't feel his presence on the approaching ship. If Ben was on the ship, she was sure she would sense it.
"No," Rey and Leia said at the same time. They exchanged glances.
"Then who can it be, it's a command ship?" Said Poe.
"Whoever it is, we must assume they are a threat." Said General Leia.
"Should we blow 'em up?" Poe asked.
Leia turned and gave him a look that he didn't know what meant, and he wasn't really sure that he wanted to know what it meant either.
"No," she said. "Give them permission to land, but be ready to fight."
"Yes, General." Said Poe.
Kaydel turned off the ship's shields and opened the landing bay.
Poe, Finn, Rose and several other Resistance fighters went to the landing bay to meet whoever was on the first order ship. They all had blasters ready incase this was some kind of trick. But Rey had her lightsaber.
The ship landed in front of them. A tall, thin man with red hair emerged from the ship. It was General Hux.
The Resistance fighters exchanged startled glances. Poe was the first to recover.
"General Hugs!" He exclaimed, pretending to be excited to see him.
Hux gave him a stern look. "I recognize your voice, you were in the X-wing that attacked our ship!"
Poe didn't reply.
"And it's Hux." He added sternly.
Poe shrugged.
Finn stepped forward. Kylo Ren was dark soul filled with hate, anger and pain. But Hux was a cruel, vial, corrupt one. There was no compassion in his heart. "What do you want, Hux?" He demanded.
A cruel expression crossed Hux's face at the sight of the traitor. "FN- 2187!" He said in a cruel voice. But then his expression changed. "You have inspired me,"
Finn stared at him.
"Now that Snoke is gone, I have decided to join the Resistance." Said Hux.
"I don't trust you." Said Finn.
"Neither do I." Poe agreed.
"Just give me a chance?" He asked.
"We'll let our General decide." Said Poe.
"But remember, I'm watching you." Said Finn.
"So am I." Said Rose.
But none of their threats frightened him. He looked to where the girl stood. She was quite, but he feared her most. She had the same quiet power as Ren. If they were to stop him and the First Order, they would need her. She was the only one strong enough to stop Ren.
They searched him to make sure he was unarmed. Then they led him to the command center, each of them casting distrusting gazes.
When Leia saw him, she squinted at him. She knew who this sinister man was.
"I've come to join the Resistance." He told her.
The look she gave him, told him that she didn't believe him nor did she trust him.
"Listen, now that Snoke is gone I finally see the truth. The first order is evil. They must be stopped. Ren must be stopped." He said. "I know the Resistance is few, but I believe that we have a chance. I know that many of your commanders are gone, I'm an experienced leader. I can help you." He Said.
No one answered so he continued. "And I've convinced over a thousand members of the First Order to join the Resistance. Now that Snoke is gone, they are free to make their own choice."
Leia could not refuse his offer, a thousand fighters could help the Resistance greatly. "You can join us, but if you betray us you will be stopped." She said.
"Thank you," he said.
"And if you hurt any of my friends, I will kill you." Poe added.
Hux looked Poe in the eyes. "Understood." He said. Then he turned back to Leia. "I've been on the inside of the First Order. I know how to stop them." He turned to look at Rey. "We have to kill Kylo Ren." He said.
Rey was silent.
"Without a leader, the First Order is powerless. It will crumble." He said. "This girl is the only one who is strong enough to stop Ren."
Everyone looked to Rey.
"I will face Kylo Ren," she said. "But I will not kill him, not until I've given him a chance to come back to the light."
"He would never turn!" Hux snapped.
"You did," Rey pointed out. "We're giving you a second chance, don't you think he deserves no less."
Finn nodded. "If General Hux can, anyone can." He said.
Leia nodded. "Bring my son back to me, if you can." She said.
"But if you can't, you must kill him." Said Hux.
Leia nodded sadly.
Rey gave a single nod, not to Hux but to Leia.
"While the girl is facing Ren, I would like to lead a full attack against the First Order. With the General's permission, of course."
She nodded.
"Here's the co -ordnance to the first order command. I hid a tracking device on it." Said Hux and he typed the location into the Resistance computer system.
"Rey, do you want me to come with you?" Finn asked.
"No, this is something I must do alone."
Leia nodded. "At least take the Falcon," She said.
"Thank you," she answered. Then she turned to leave.
"And Rey, you'll need a copilot." Said Leia.
She turned back to face her.
Leia smiled. "Take Chewy," She Said.
Rey smiled back. Chewbacca came over and joined her. He reached down and scrubbed Rey on the head, gently. Rey looked up at him and giggled softly.
Together Rey and Chewbacca went to the Millennium Falcon.
Rey punched in the co -ordnance. Then she looked at Chewbacca. Once the calculations had been made, Chewy put the Falcon into hyper drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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