Chapter 2

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Surprisingly no one bothered me. I got a few stares here and there, but other than that everyone minded their own business.
The bell rings. "Finally I'm starving." I whispered.

"You and me both sister." I here someone say behind me. I look back to see a girl. She smiles at me and I smile back. "Hey there. I'm Brody."


"Nice to meet you" I nod and grab my bags.
"Walk with me to lunch?"

"Sure. Why not."

"Great." She walks right next to me, and links arms with me. Oh okay then. She noticed the confused look I gave her. "Okay don't judge me, but this is what I do." She says while giggling a bit.

"I'm not judging it's just that no one has ever done this before. A specially since we just met."

"Well I'm glad I'm the first. Let's go."


We walk into lunch with our arms linked together. People looked at us kind of weird. They most likely think we're a couple.
We walk to a table with only a few seats taken. "Oh thank goodness. I was looking for her, I thought she completely ditch me to go sit somewhere else."

"Sorry Louis."

"Well I see that you already met Brody."


"Introductions! This is Marlon, Mitch, Aasim, and Ruby."

"Hi" I waved.

"Hey." They all said at the same time.

"Let her go Brody. Let her sit down." Ruby said.

"Fine..." She lets me go and I put all my things down. I sit down and no one says anything. It was just silent. I ran my hands through my hair. Ruby looks at my hair in awe.

"I love your hair it's so pretty."


"Can I touch it?"

"Um... sure okay." I lean my head towards hair and she runs her fingers through my curls. "I want your hair it so nice."

"Uh no you don't it's a complete struggle."

"Yeah, but you can do so many hairstyles with it and the only thing I can do with mine is put it in a ponytail."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Oh look they're here!" Louis points behind me. I look back to see three girls. After a few seconds I turn back around. I open my lunch bag because I don't know how long lunch is in this school.

"That's my seat." I hear a voice behind me. I look back and I jump. This girl is like six feet tall. Everyone else is snickering at my reaction.

"Sorry I'll move."

"Here take my seat I'll grab another one." Marlon said.


"Clementine these are the twins Sophie and Minerva she goes by Minnie. She's Violet." They said hi except for Violet.

"Hi my name is Violet nice to meet you" Louis says in a high pitched voice to sound like a girl. I smile at his attempt. She just waved at me.

"Don't worry about her she's not a talkative person." Mitch whispered to me. Understandable. I nod and take out my lunch. Now he's running his fingers through my hair. At this point I don't even care anymore.

"So what took you guys so long." The attention was on the three girls now.

"Bet they were making out." Brody whispered. Everyone else giggled while I choked on my food.

"Bro shut up." Violet banged her hand on the table.

"Ohh someone is getting mad." Marlon teased. She mumbled something under her breath.

"Chill Violet they're just fucking with you."


"You guys are mean." I said.

"Oh come we were just playing with her." Louis said. I playfully roll my eyes at him.


The bell rings. After like 10 minutes. Lunch went by fast hell. "I don't wanna go back to class." Ruby whined.

"Same." I start to walk away from the group.

"Wait Clementine!" Brody yelled.

"Hello?" I turn around.

"I'm having a sleep over tonight with the girls do you want to come?" Honestly I need to go out more often. Should I though? I just met them. They seem pretty nice though.

"Yeah. Okay. "

"Give me your number and I'll text you after school."


"See you there."

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