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The school bell rang obnoxiously, signaling it's time for lunch. Liam all but flew out the door to the bathroom, as his history teach hardly lets someone leave the classroom to use the restroom. That's probably against some sort of school rule but Liam could care less right now.

After leaving the bathroom, he trudges his way to the cafeteria where all the juniors and seniors sit, chatting with friends. Liam takes a quick glance around and decides it's too loud and smelly to sit in the cafeteria today, so instead he makes his way to the library.

Walking in, he gives a small wave to the librarian, Mrs. Potts, and proceeds to a back table. Thankfully, Mrs. Potts, is super laidback and doesn't care much about what you do in the library, as long as you're not doing drugs or something illegal, and not disturbing other people. Pretty much sums up why the librarian is his favorite teacher here, if one would call her that.

Taking about his AP Calculus homework he got this morning, he works on it, breezing through the first half of it before he's interrupted.

"Ow! I swear that bookshelf wasn't just there!" A small, quiet voice says from a couple rows over. Liam quietly snickers to himself before continuing his homework.

A few moments later, the chair in front of him is pulled back and a small girl with wavy brunette hair and wired framed glasses is sitting in front of him. He looks up, about to open his mouth to ask what she's doing, before realizing that she's not even paying attention to her surroundings.

He snaps his mouth shut and watches her for a couple seconds. She doesn't seem to notice that she's sitting at an occupied table, when there's about seven other tables surrounding them.

The word button pops into his head, and he decides to give her the nickname, as he has no idea who this girl is.

She mutters a few words to herself, Liam strains to pick up on something, before she leans over the table, and she rests her elbows on his backpack.

Liam watches as the girl freezes and looks down at his backpack. She slowly looks up and stares at Liam directly in the eyes. Instantly, she's bright red.

"Oh my bejeezus!" She whisper-yells, before shooting up out of her seat. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"

Liam let's out a small chuckle before replying, "It's alright. It happens."

Button scrunches her nose. "Hardly." That's why she reminded him of a button. Cute.

Silence follows, and Liam looks around a bit bored.

"Well, are you gonna sit?" The question slips from his mouth without much thought. Liam isn't one for social interaction, so this came as a shock to him.

Why the hell did he ask that?

"Uh, I uh, maybe-" Button stutters nervously.

"Or not. Whichever you chose." Liam out his head down, and went back to work. Or trying to at least. He was pondering why he asked that silly question in the first place.

Soon enough, the chair she had been sitting on was pulled back as Button took her seat again.

About twenty minutes later, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch this time.

Liam packed his stuff up as Button continued reading her book. He had gotten a glimpse of it earlier. The Great Gatsby.

Liam was about to walk off when he realized Button hadn't moved from her spot.

Deciding to get her attention, he waves his hand in front of her face. Button jumps back in surprise and looks up a Liam.

He gives her a weird look. "The bell rang." Is all he says before starting his trek to fifth period. Liam heats the girl scramble up from her seat and walks quickly behind him into the hallway.

"Wait!" She calls out.

Liam stops and turns around, cocking an eyebrow up at her. "Yeah?" He questions.

"Uh," she pauses and looks momentarily embarrassed. "I forgot. One second." Liam watches and her face contorts into one of confusion. He's about to turn around when she snaps her fingers.

"Oh yeah! What's your name?" She asked innocently.

Liam's sputters our a laugh, finding her way to cute for her own good.

Button pouts a bit before crossing her arms. "What's so funny?" She questions again.

Liam's laugh quickly stops, but the smile doesn't leave his face. "How'd you forget such a simple question?" He asks.

Button pauses before shooting him a small glare. Now she looked more like a tiny kitten, he thinks to himself. Liam let out a laugh at the thought before clearing his throat.

"Doesn't matter," Button, or Kitten, states. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

Liam shoots her a smirk before turning around to walk away.

Button shoots her arm out to grab his, and Liam stills, not used to physically touch from a stranger.

"Wait, at least answer my question," she half-pleads.

Liam turns his head around. "Liam." He yanks his arm out of her hold. "And don't touch me."

Liam walls briskly to his class, not turning to see Buttons shocked face.

She watches him so, before sporadicly shouting her name.

"Mine's Olivia!"

Liam made no move to turn back. But what Olivia didn't know, was that Liam smiled when he heard her.

HI! I'm soooo excited to be starting this book! It's going to be a short story. About 13 to 15 chapters long. That's why they met so quickly, just so you guys know. Anywhooo, I've had this planned for a bit so I thought why the hell not and posted the first chapter to see what you guys think. Let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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