Isabella (In a World So Cold)

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Faceclaim is Dayana Crunk

[BC]"Well, well, what do we have here?"

[C]*~Isabella Nocturne
[C]*~Izzy, Bella
[C]*~As if she would ever tell somebody she didn't know.
[C]*~She is 5'5" Tall.
[C]*~She weighs 155 pounds, give or take a few
[C]*~April 26th
[C]*~She is bisexual
[C]*~She has the ability to make and control a black flame, which is like fox fire in a sense, if you know what that is. She also has the ability to take more damage than a normal person, as well as the ability to see in the dark, a higher strength, and a slightly faster healing trait.

[C]*~Cats. She loves cats
[C]*~She also likes disobeying. She finds it fun to frusterate other people
[C]*~She enjoys messing with bullies, for example, she likes making bullies lives harder since she doesn't like bullies.
[C]*~Being alone. She despises it, but she won't act clingy. (Or at least what she percieves to be clingy)
[C]*~She isn't a big dog fan, but she won't ever be cruel to one. She just doesn't wish to own one.
[C]*~She fears being alone, but not enough to be overly eager.
[BC]Soft Spot:


[C]~Good Traits~
[C]*~She is a good listener, as long as the topic interests her.
[C]*~She is protective of her friends

[C]~Bad Traits~
[C]*~She had no filter, and can tend to say things without knowing that they are mean

[C]*~All of her scars and or markings are hidden underneath her clothes for the majority of the time. Only if she is caught off guard, or given reason to trust you, does she show them.
[C]*~She has no disabilities.
[C]*~She has none. Though she would like to get her tongue pierced.

[C]*~She is good at dancing
[C]*~She is quite flexible
[C]*~It depends on the rp.
[BC]Pain Tolerance:
[BC]Leadership Skills:

[BC]"Haha, yeah right. As if you could ever actually pull that off without getting caught."

[C]*~Her mother ran off when Isabella was younger, leaving her with her father. She really has no recollection of who she was, only a faint memory of a face that sometimes shows up in her dreams. She wishes to meet her mother again, maybe ask why she left, but doesn't think its possible.
[C]*~Her father is a different matter. He showers her with attention. A lot of the times it is far too much attention, since he is protective of her. And it doesn't help that a lot of people don't like him, but he just cant bring himself to let her live on her own until he is sure that is is protected.
[C]*~She has been told she has some, though has yet to meet them due to their mothers, yes seperate mothers, not wanting their father to see the others.
[C]*~It depends on the situation
[C]*~It depends
[C]*~She has none.
[C]*~This depends on the roleplay. For some, she will have one, and for others, she won't.

[BC]Clothing Style:
[C]*~Usually something black, in most any style.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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